Chapter 13 - Part 2 - Zivena

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We're standing around in a loose circle in the gym, chatting vaguely about the little progress any of us have made... even though it's only been a week. The girl with dark skin and white hair, Lulu, tells me about her family and what they do for the Council when I notice Mictain standing to the side of our class, quietly observing everyone. I excuse myself from the conversation and I'm about to walk over to Mictain when -

"Demons!" Taregan yells to get our attention. It works. "Today you are going to get up close and personal with three of the four types of demons."

"Are we going to see an Unholy demon?" someone asks, eager.

Taregan snorts, "You'd all shit yourselves if you ever came face to face with an Unholy demon. No. You'll be seeing a Feral, Vile and Infernal demon today."

I hear someone mutter 'lame' and I roll my eyes. If I never come across an Unholy demon then that's fine with me.

Taregan ignores the comment but I notice a slight mischievous glint in his eye. "We just have to wait for Tolinka to join us before we can start."

We don't have to stand around for long as Tolinka walks through the gym doors, her dirty blonde hair pulled back in a high pony tail. "I hope I haven't kept you guys waiting."

"Not at all!" Taregan grins, I think he's going to enjoy watching us squirm. "Everyone, follow me."

Taregan leads us through the back doors and towards a separate building. There are three Guardians posted by each entrance or window, weapons strapped to their backs or sides. Demon hide gear spotless.

"Come to see the scary demons, kids?" A tall Guardian says, his mud brown eyes taking each one of us in. "Hey, Reg! How many do you think will crap themselves? I reckon at least two."

The Guardian named Reg peers around the corner, gives us all a once over and snorts. "I bet three will. Look at their faces, they're already terrified."

"That's enough, you two. And who told you you could leave your post, Reg?" Tolinka says, frowning and then turns back to us. "Alright class! You should have all read the Demonology handbook before coming to the Hub. Just remember what you read and you'll be prepared for what's inside." Tolinka leads us through the door.

I'm close to the end of the group, Mictain and Taregan behind me, and I notice Taregan slip the Guardian posted by the door a roll of notes. "I bet one. This lot is tougher then they look."

Mictain and I share a grin. Tolinka would be ashamed if she knew that Taregan had just betted against one of us.

As we step into the room properly I spot three doors to the left of us and a single door to the right. Tolinka directs us to face the three doors and we obediently line up. But the moment my back is turned on the single door, every instinct in my body yells at me to turn around and get ready for a fight.

I glance around, gauging to see if anyone else senses what I do. There are only three other people who seem to have an adverse feeling about keeping their backs to a door that's becoming more ominous the longer I stand here. Taregan, Tolinka and Mictain. All three of them are rigid with fear and I can sense their nerves pulling tighter and tighter.

Mictain meets my eye and raises an eyebrow in a silent question.

What do you think it is?

I shake my head in answer.

I don't know.

Taregan leans over and only speaks loud enough for the two of us to hear. "I'll explain later. You're safe, just try to ignore it."

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