I tie my hair up in a ponytail and use a bit concealer so I don't look so tired. „Don't kill her." Ava laughs. „I'll try." I say, slipping on my jeans jacket and converse. "Let's go." I say, grabbing my phone.

Now just don't throw up Rose. We walk down where the others are already waiting. Well, some of them. Geoff, Mike and Andrew are here.

"Hey Rose." "Hey guys." I greet, approaching Geoff and Mike. "Aren't you sick?" Mike asks, frowning. "I feel way better." "Shawn took good care of you huh?" Geoff winks, pushing me lightly with his elbow. "Haha." I reply, rolling my eyes.

He's just like Ava and I'm not in the mood now. "Hey I'm just messing with you." He chuckles. "Yeah. Whatever." I smile, shaking my head. We head towards the venue, so many people already waiting outside the arena. It amazes me everytime.

We walk inside from the backside, so that we don't have to push through all the people. I follow the others behind the stage to the dressing rooms. „Hey Rose! Did you miss me so much that you had to come?" Austin says, grinning as he strolls over me.

„Of course." I say, shaking my head. „Not a nice to see you hug?" „Go and hug your guitar." I reply, making him chuckle. „Alright. I have to go now but see you later?" He questions. „Sure. Good luck. You'll need it." I say, smirking.

„You are so nice to me. It's unbelievable." He answers, amused before disappearing onto the stage. The cheering of the crowd is audible till here. I would never be able to stand in front of so many people. „Rose? I'm asking you one last time I promise but are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Ava asks, frowning.

„Ava." I sigh, raising my eyebrow. „I told you I'm fine. I feel a bit nauseous but the growing hate for Grace is outdoes that feeling easily." I add, observing the room. I have enough of her. She doesn't have to like me but she just has to realize that I don't want to steal her boyfriend!

I sit down on the couch looking through Instagram for the first time in two weeks, while the others do whatever their job is. Oh my god. We seriously have fanpages for our relationship. „ ‚Shrose' or Rhawn' ? I can't decide." Is standing under one of the pictures of us.

I chuckle quietly. That's actually funny. To my surprise there are less hate comments than nice comments. At least something. „Babe you have to go now. Austin is here too." I hear, making my head snap up.

„Why can't you just tell him?" Grace whines, wrapping her arms over his neck full of hickeys. Okey... ew. „Grace don't you understand how bad it would be if the fake relationship gets published somehow? We can't risk it." Shawn answers, his eyes finding mine.

I say nothing staring right back at him. The situation is kinda... weird, I don't even know why. „What is she doing here again? Weren't you sick?" Grace snaps, placing her hands on her hips in an annoyed manner.

„Well, yes but I feel better, so I thought I would come here." I say, my gaze still not leaving his, an unreadable expression on his face. „Oh of course." Grace mutters, rolling her eyes. „Shawn, get ready. Austin is almost finished." Andrew informs, poking his head through the door, making Shawn look away from me.

He nods, pecking Grace's lips one more time before following Andrew. „What are you staring at you creep?" She asks, twirling her blonde hair around her fingers. Oh just at your stupid self for not noticing that Shawn is cheating on you.

„Nothing. I have to talk to you." I say, grabbing the medicine. „Too bad that don't want to talk to you." She replies, taking her handbag while making her way towards the door. „I didn't ask if you want." I say, grabbing her arm to she stops to walk.

„Don't touch me-." „Shut up. Wanna tell me where you got these?" I ask, holding the box in front of her make up plastered face. „What the hell are you talking about? I've never seen this."

„Oh sure. Then tell me who else would exchange my medicine. You are the only one who doesn't get it in your stubborn head that I don't want anything from your boyfriend!" I say, rubbing my forehead.

„You want to know why I don't believe you?" she asks, pinching her eyes at me.
„Yes!" „You can fool the others with the I hate everyone and I don't care about anything attitude but not me. You enjoy the attention that you get now and I see how you are looking at him. So I warn you, you saw what I can do without anyone noticing. That was harmless, honey." she says, leaning closer to me.

„Harmless?" I grumble, balling my hand into a fist to fight the urge to slap her. I'm not going to be like her. „Yes hun, you were just a little sick right?" Grace chuckles, before turning around. „Guess, who looked after me for three hours." I grin, crossing my arms.

She turns to me again and I could see the confusion on her face. „Now you are lying too? How pathetic." she huffs, crossing her arms.

„Aww did your little boyfriend not tell you that? That's not really trustworthy for a relationship. Huh? I wonder what else he is hiding from you..." I say, trying not to show how amusing this is for me.

Why did I never realize that standing up for yourself feels better than letting everyone bring you down? „What do you mean?" she asks, eyeing me skeptically.

„You know what. I don't even wanna know. You are so pathetic. No wonder your brother doesn't want anything to do with you anymore after the death of your parents. Poor little girl." Grace chuckles and before I could stop myself my hand comes in contact with her cheek.

She looks at me shocked as I hear the door click open. „Rose! What is wrong with you? Get away from her!" I suddenly hear Shawn say as he walks into the room.

Until My Last BreathWhere stories live. Discover now