Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Oh my god, is he the friend you've been talking about?" my eyes narrowed as I held unto the side of the boat, glaring at Lucas. If I could, I would've flipped this boat upside down, but of course, I didn't want to ruin my outfit and makeup. Oh, and that nice gondolier. This blonde, on the other hand.. "Lucas, you knew about this!"

He shrugged, his gaze forward as the boat started to stop on the small dock, "I didn't see the point in telling you. I knew you'd decline." he reasoned, stepping out of the boat and holding out his hand for me. I rolled my eyes, but ended up taking it. I gave the gondolier a tip, of course, for complimenting me, and I know that we were on our way to meet with Namjoon on the bridge.

"You know what, I'll just go shopping--" I say, but he didn't seem to be listening, nor was he interested to actually listen to my excuses. My god, now that he was carrying that heavy ass paper bag, I could roam around the mall without my limbs going sore.

"You really don't want to see him, don't you?" he cocked an eyebrow, as he lets go of my hand and we started walking side by side. I didn't want to look at him, because the temptation of strangling him might drop off again. He knew how much I hated Namjoon! Namjoon knew how much I hated him! "You always expect something bad to happen when he's around, but that's not always the case, right?"

Oh.. if he only knew.. Namjoon broke my vase, he confessed to me, he bought my vase, and he pretty much saved my life. Yes! Such practical reasons to hate someone. But geez.. I should really pretend I'm not into pottery anymore, since that always seems to be the thing why I end up growing even more annoyed with him.

"Hey!" Namjoon greeted from a distance with a wave. I turned my head to give myself a chance to roll my eyes, and Lucas lightly tapped me on the shoulder. I let out a frustrated sigh, as we walked up to him. He was wearing a white shirt with a brand logo, relaxed jeans that were folded from ankles, black sneakers, a beanie and some shades. "Happy Birthday, man!"

"Thank you," Lucas smiled, slapping hands with him. I didn't know if he acknowledged me, nor would I care, as I didn't even bother looking at his direction. I should concentrate on the listening part.. "So, how was Korea?" Lucas questioned, and we started walking.

"It was fun, did you hear about the meteor shower? I actually managed to watch that." he told. A meteor shower? Woah.. that sounded cool. Seeing a meteor shower isn't really part of my bucket list, but I'd pay to actually see one. What a lucky guy, hmm.. "And you're not going to believe me when I say that I met the daughter of Mr. Choi."

"Really?" Lucas exclaims lightly. Man, the Choi family must really be that rich and successful.. huh? I bet the heir had good style, good taste in nail polish, and pretty! Like me, of course. So I bet we would get along! "How did you meet her? That's rather.. odd."

"Speaking of odd, she's rather odd herself-- In a good way, of course. I met her in a private park with a pond, and she was sitting on the edge of the bridge, feeding the fishes. She's a street guitarist and singer." he explained. It was quite shocking for an heir of one of the biggest companies to be a street performer..

As we walked, Namjoon continued to talk about Korea. As much as I hate to admit it, listening to him talk about the country made me miss it even more. All I had to do was be patient and wait for graduation, then I can go back to Korea! "How about you two?"

"Not much happened, really." Lucas shrugged, then told him about shopping, watching movies, his family thinking that we were both together, uck.. As I continued to think about how annoying Namjoon was, I felt someone lightly hit me on the back of the head, "Ow," I muttered, turning to Lucas and fixing my hair. "Be careful, I put a lot of effort in fixing my hair!"

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