Chapter Six

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"Good evening, ma'am." one of the maids bowed, opening the door for me to the mansion. It was a rough day. Just kidding, I said that so I would feel good about myself, and for assurance that I was working hard. I smiled at her and stepped inside, my eyes landing on the suitcases in front of me.

Crouched down before one of them was a man in a suit, strands of his hair turning white, glasses supporting his small, tired looking eyes, and fragile hands looking for something inside the suitcase-- it was my Uncle.

Now, I did not expect him arriving at all. And unconsciously, my feet took me there. I felt myself laughing as I tackled him in a hug. I maybe haven't seen him in a few weeks, but I ran out of people to annoy I thought I would go insane. When I pulled away, he certainly looked a lot older than I remembered. "What the hell are you doing here?"

From behind him, I could see Sadie leaning under a doorframe of a room by the stairs, popping a gum. She hesitantly scanned the shambles of suitcases, obviously not wanting to deal with it. I was kinda curious as to why the house was a mess with the bags, and I figured I should ask that, too. "And why are your luggages out here?"

"You know I'm not the type to constantly depend on someone. I'm looking for a paper inside a bag inside one of these luggages." he says, averting his attention to opening a new suitcase. I sighed, crouching down and opening a different one.

"Let me guess," I started. "It's an important paper."

He shrugged, "You're good at guessing."

"Well then, smartass, why didn't you just put it in a place where you know you'd actually remember?" I continued, putting up a bright brown coloured suitcase nearby. "I don't know, maybe a case like this one?" at the sight of the bag, his eyes widened, and he pointed,

"That's it!" he stood up and gently took it from me. "Where did you find it?" yeah. He was definitely getting old. I motioned one of the maids to bring the luggages upstairs, then turned to my Uncle, pointing to the spot where I found the luggage, "It was literally right there."

"Oh my, why didn't I see it?" he frowned, placing a hand on top of his head, as if worried for his mental health. He pushed up his glasses as we made our way to the dining room. Even though none of us mentioned it, we immediately knew it was time to eat dinner.

"I don't know, maybe those glasses aren't very accurate." From here, I could already smell the delicious, nicely cooked meat in the dining room. And when we did reach the room, I see very familiar people sitting around the table-- people whom I grew up with, that I now consider my family.

Sadie, my childhood friend. Her mother, who has been my doctor for as long as I can remember. Jan, one of the most trusted butlers inside this house, and other people who have been putting up with my shit all these years. I was glad they were still here. And I was glad all of us had a close bond; that we would always eat dinner together.

"Anyways, you literally flew here without letting me know, what's the case behind that?" I questioned, beating Jan to getting a slice of meat. Uncle pushed up his glasses and didn't bother to eat yet. Instead, he pulled a file out of the suitcase and started to read it. Obviously, it was the paper he kept looking for.

"Ah, I wanted to surprise you. How's the school, Irina?" he asked, placing the paper on the side and proceeding to eat. I shrugged, my mind wandering off to the 3 friends I've made over the past few weeks, and that cute guy, Chanyeol.

"It's better than I thought it would be. Also, what's with that paper? You look so creepy obsessing over it." I say. Sorry if I was nosy. In fact, I did think I was one of the nosiest people. And in addition to that, I had a beautiful nose. I was definitely nosy.

"You know Mr. Choi?" he looked up, and not only at me, but at the others as well. Hearing the name, the others perked up. I didn't know who the man was, so I pretended like I was surprised too, because come on, that's what everybody did.

"Omo, what's with him?" Sadie asked. And she rarely got curious. Her heterochromatic eyes gleamed in the rather bad lighting, and the mischievous twitch in her lips really did signify that she was still the girl I met years ago.

I decided to drop the surprised ego, "Just kidding. I have no idea who he is. What's with him?" at my question, the others' eyes widened, and even Uncle was so surprised that he lightly bonked me on the head. "Ow!" I complained, rubbing my head and flashing him a glare.

"He's a famous businessman." Jan explains. I shrugged and tapped Uncle's shoulder.

"What about it? Uncle's a famous lawyer and businessman, too." I reasoned. Jan sighed, obviously not very impressed with me not letting him finish his sentence. And now that I think about it, I didn't let him finish his sentence very often.

"Yes, but the Choi family is incredibly wealthy," Uncle adds. "Of course, when we speak of 'Choi', there are plenty of people with the same last name appear in your head, but Mr. Choi is one of the richest businessmen in the world, in fact, he owns the school you're studying in right now."

My eyes slowly widened, "He owns La Harpe University?" there was more than one branch, of course. As far as I could tell, the countries they're built in are limited. La Harpe was definitely one of the best universities out there. Balancing the importance of values, academics, and co curricular activities.

"Not only that," Jan says, and I decided to not cut him off this time. "They own police stations, hospitals, hotels, and so much more." Now, I didn't know why I was missing out on this one. Maybe I was just being my usual, inattentive self.

"Wow. And I assume you've somehow got any relations to him?" I turned to Uncle, who nodded right away. I could tell he was excited to tell us about it.

"It's not a huge thing," he starts. "But it's got something to do with you. We met at a business meeting in Korea. Not until that time did I see his heir. And she's about your age, Irina." he continued, "There's something about her. I don't know, I see potential, but she herself seems confused.. anyways.."

"I told him about you studying at La Harpe." he says, and I nodded eagerly. From behind me, I could see Sadie nodding as well. "And maybe I suggested a thing or two about certain activities your batch should do instead of going on fieldtrips."

Heat rose up my cheeks. Okay. Where was this going?

"Like...?" I drank my water.

"Like going to immersions." he shrugged. I chocked on my water.

"Immersions?!" I swear my voice boomed through the whole room. But right now, I was too surprised to even care. It's not that I had anything against them, but as much as I hate to admit it, I didn't like staying too far away from people I knew. And I wasn't used to sleeping in another house.. and..

So many reasons!

"No fucking way." Sadie didn't seem like she cared too much.

"Woah, no shit."

"Will everyone stop with their fucking cursing?" I say slowly, and they did. Uncle didn't look like he had regrets telling me. In fact, he had a huge smile on his face when I looked at him again. "What.. what did he say?"

His smile broke into a laugh more mischievous than Sadie's smile, "We grew close! Of course he said yes!"




I'm quite late but Merry Christmas loves! Here's (another late) christmas gift for all of you!

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