Chapter One

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"It's nice there. Remember your cousin Esme? She studied there. I'm sure you'd make lots of friends. I'll follow you there soon."

"Why would I forget about Esme? I literally talked to her on the phone 10 minutes ago. And why can't you just come with me already?"

"You know I'm busy."

My uncle's words kept ringing inside my head. It's not that I was that desperate for him to accompany me, but that I just wasn't used to it. I don't think I'll be too lonely, as my uncle made sure I was with good, trustworthy, and quite a lot of company.

My uncle was someone I always looked up to. No matter how many times I always came up with witty comebacks to make him regret whatever he was saying, or how many times I purposely don't listen to whatever he's saying, at the end of the day, I still remember to respect him at most. At least.. that's what I thought I did.

I wouldn't necessarily say that I cared plenty about money, or what people thought of me-- but to provide an explanation as to why so many people had to go with me was because my Uncle is a wealthy lawyer that owned police departments all over the world.

It was more than that; that's what our family specialised in. And sooner or later, I would have to be the one to inherit this business, a business I don't know if I can even manage. He didn't have a wife or any children, and I've pretty much been stuck with him since day one.

Day one, which kinda said that I was stuck with him for as long as I can remember. I didn't know where my actual family was. My uncle kept throwing shade, which most likely meant it wasn't a good thing, but he gave me just one thing I had of them-- an old photo of my brother.

I've been to plenty of places I could barely remember the first country I've travelled to. I've never been to the UK before. But this day changes that all! This was my first time to live in another country but Korea, since all I did was hang and chill in other countries, though never really found the interest to live there.

I didn't expect that I would be this hyped in living in another country, and believe me, the second I stepped inside the airport, I couldn't help but stop and admire how pretty just the it was. Yes, Incheon airport was definitely one of the best, but something bubbled inside me, as if I've been looking forward to this day since forever.

Behind me, the others followed shortly. And the quantity that defined 'others' was definitely a number more than 30. They all looked familiar, though I'd be lying if I said I all knew them by their names. These were the people that'd be looking out and taking care of me while Uncle wasn't around, and I needed to trust them, and they needed to trust me.

Slowly, I took off my shades and inhaled the unexpected fresh air in the airport. I don't know, but I think I looked cool with the shades, I wanted to keep them on, but I just wanted to see the airport with no filter. I breathed out, "Woah! I didn't expect UK to be this pretty!"

At my words and tone of my voice, people that passed by turned their heads to look at me, the expression on their faces reading 'Did she just scream that?' And or, 'She's kidding, right?'

"Irina," my childhood friend, who always introduced herself as Sadie Hunt, said. "You're kind of attracting attention."

Sadie, unlike me, was calm and composed in a way I wasn't. For one, she didn't like what I was doing, which was attracting attention, but she was pretty rebellious and outgoing. The whole reason we've been friends for long was because her mother was my doctor, and they've been living with us for as long as I can remember.

Sadie was a bit taller than me. She was pale, with brown, wavy hair that reached down to her back. But the most unique thing about her was her eyes-- her heterochromatic orbs that always get everyone so mesmerised, the left one brown, the other grey.

"My my," I trailed my fingers across my cheek, before pouting, "Am I really that glowing today?" I turned on my heel to admire the airport again, then smiled widely, "But isn't this exciting?" When I turned to them again, I grinned.

"Now.. who's hungry?" I asked, smiling small as I turned to the small crowd behind me, my hand on my waist. They stayed quiet, along with Sadie, who was already chewing on her second gum. I lend out my hand to ask for some, but she shrugged, waving her hands as if to say it was her last.

I cracked a laugh, "Oh come on, don't be that calm and composed just because we're in the airport! Man, you guys are hella quiet today!" I felt gazes on me again, and I could tell the others were mentally cursing at themselves on why I just had to have such a loud voice. "All right," I gently patted Sadie's back, making her stumble forward a bit. Or.. was it not that gentle? "Where we off to next?"

We started to walk north, where we went through all the process of the airport's usual security-- and when we were finally outside, once again, I inhaled the fresh air, holding my hands up in the air to stretch, "That flight was really quite an energy-drainer, don't you think? Maybe once we reach the hotel we can have a little party to start out journey together as a group!" I threw an arm around Sadie's shoulders.

From the corner of my eye, I see guards making their way over until there were guards in front and behind of me. This was what I always experienced whenever I was somewhere else; but I didn't get why I was always so hyper about so many things.

"Don't you think a party would be another energy-drainer?" Sadie cocked an eyebrow, as I let go of her. When we entered the van, I blinked a few times, my eyes adjusting to the sudden change of lighting, "How about we rest when we get there?"

"Or," I say, "We could eat first. I want Mcdonalds!" I didn't get why I was so into Mcdonalds.. my Uncle always offered me macarons, or steak, or any other food I could think about, but the only thing that I kept craving was the fast food restaurant's menu.

"Yeah, of course they can get you some when we get there." Sadie reassured, popping her gum. "Also, don't forget to call your Uncle and always answer his calls. He'd be extremely worried if you didn't answer the third ring."

"What if I answer the fourth?" I cocked an eyebrow. She scoffed, and I laughed softly. "Is the school really that great? I always hear people talking about it, and everyone I know who's studied there said there won't be any regrets."

"They say it's a good school," Sadie shrugged, her heterochromatic orbs staring against my plain ones, "But I don't know, you're always different. You'll see it for yourself."


A/N: First chapter posted!!

I would've made this chapter longer, but I think cutting it short here will be fine. And in this chapter, I think you've already noticed how our heroine would be the whole story. But do tell me what you think about Irina and Sadie!

It's also obvious that Irina is rich, that her uncle owns plenty of police departments and is a lawyer, but the question is.. where, and more importantly, who is her family?

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