Chapter Three

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"All right, everyone.." Jaehee walked inside the room, her hair tied into a bun. In her hands, were some ballet shoes. There wasn't really anyone in charge in class-- but she seemed to be that one person interested and responsible enough to actually take control at these times, "Ms. Wong said she'll give us some time alone as a class, and maybe in about 2 hours, she'll come here and give us an activity."

As we were inside this room, I really did feel the individuality of each person. Sure, we didn't wear uniforms in the first place, but inside this room, we were ourselves. Our talents and hobbies were one of the things that really brought out our true feelings and selves, and doing that together, I couldn't help but say 'aw'. At least, in my mind.

My hair was tied into a ponytail. I was wearing a white shirt, black pants, slippers, and an apron. If you didn't know me, I probably looked like I worked in a bakery shop. But hey! I wouldn't complain if someone recognised me as a hard-working person.

Lucas, who was in the middle of the room, was pulling a box to his side, which I assumed was the clay. "Well then, let's not waste any time." It's literally been a day since I've met everyone, but as of now, Lucas was my friend crush-- he wasn't really my type, since I, Irina Kyon, know that I deserve someone as awesome as me, but I was already pretty much attached to him.

Especially since he did pottery, too. Ever since I was a kid, I was always interested in vases. Whenever I walked around the house, I gave the paintings a glance, and stared at the ceramic pots for hours. And when I grew older, I grew even more interested, to the point that I actually started making them on my own.

I was glad I was pretty good at it. I'm not even going to filter my words when I say I absolutely sucked at most of the things I did. Wether it was memorising, or dancing, or singing, or whatever, most people'll shake their heads. Maybe the only thing I was good at was pottery and mocking people.

"Lucas!" I sang, skipping over to him. He looked up, but I doubt he even took at least a second to look at me; when I blinked, he was already working on the pot. I scoffed before sitting down across from him. And I couldn't help but think: 'He really is younger than me!' I mean, it really didn't matter that much, but it's nice to know my guess was right! No, scratch that, it's dope to know my guess was right!

"I work better alone." he says, his voice low, as if he was used to talking to himself and not to other people, which would've been creepy for most, but I was already used to creepy people. So instead of furrowing my eyebrows and internally judging him, which I still did, I scoffed, not moving from my place.

"I work better alone," I mocked his words, eyeing him as he spun the small pottery wheel, starting to shape the ceramic. As he worked, he used tools, "You use tools?" as I said that, I readied my equipment. Unlike the prince, I didn't work with tools, since I preferred using my hands. When I got everything set, I started to work, too.

I could feel the gazes of the others, hopefully not of judgement, but of awe. I mean, it's not everyday you see people making pots. I don't know, maybe it was just me and how self-centered I can be, but hey, it's safe to assume!

"I'm used to it." he shrugged. The wheel continuously spun around, and my hands danced across the ceramic, as if I've been doing this for years.. because in fact, I did.

"So.. how about you tell me more about yourself?" I questioned. I loved meeting new people and friends, and most of the time, I got along with people who were like me.. Loud, talented, beautiful.. Okay okay, I got along with people who were extroverted-- and Lucas wasn't like that.. but then again, did we really get along?

As I worked, I wanted to see how the others were doing; but no matter how skilled I was with pottery, one of the most important rules was to not take your eyes off of your work. If you don't want it to mess up like you did with that last crush, then yeah, don't take your eyes off of them.

"Well, I'm the only heir." he shrugged. I was also an only heir. It wasn't really a big deal, but it was pretty rare, since most of the time, heirs had siblings, so there would be more than one to deal and inherit the company. "And I wouldn't necessarily say I grew up being close to my parents. As always, they expect highly of me."

I could relate to his first few words, but not with his statement that he wasn't close to his parents. Growing up, I pretty much bugged my Uncle every time I had the opportunity, which was every time I saw him, and I couldn't even imagine going on with my day without him sighing on the stupid things I always say and point out.

For sure, Lucas wasn't a very open person. Since day one, which was literally yesterday, I could already tell he was an introvert. And though he talked so vaguely about his relationship with his parents, judging from the tone of his voice, on how it was the first on his list, I could tell it was a serious problem for him. He was that kind of person who was always so calm and composed, that sometimes, people forget that he has feelings, too.

I sucked at most things, but maybe guessing what people felt was something I was a bit good at. I don't know, it was quite obvious for me. I loved messing around, but when people open up, one thing for sure; I'd never use anything against them. I could only be glad I was a person they chose to open up to in the first place.

"I'm an only heir, too." I responded. "I didn't really grow up with my actual parents, but with my uncle instead. He's pretty mild with me compared to other heirs relationships with their parents and guardians, but you know, everything's pretty much a job when we're in this position."

"Exactly," he shrugged. "It's like my whole existence is a job. Though I'm not complaining that I was raised to be like this. Deep inside, this is probably one of the few things I'm glad I've been raised as-- composed, calm.." he eyed me, before cocking an eyebrow.

"Are you comparing me to you?!" No surprise, my voice caught the attention of everyone else in the room. And I guess they weren't used to it yet, as some of them tried to silence me, and some even looked shocked. I couldn't blame them, though. It's like I always sounded angry when I wasn't. Hey! I was just being me. "Just so you know, Luke, I'm fine being like this!" I poked my cheek, leaving a mark of ceramic on my face. But it wasn't a big deal for me.

"I didn't say anything." Lucas defended, finally doing the finishing touches of his vase. Meanwhile, I was halfway through shaping mines. His was a small, wide vase. "But if you want a piece of advice, you should really tone down your voice."

"Is there anything wrong with my voice?" Per word, I tried to change how I sounded like-- from lowering my voice by a ton, to raising it pitches higher. He sighed on how immature and or annoying I was being, and spoke: "If you lower it a bit, then maybe it'll be less annoying."

"I'm not that annoying," I say. Okay-- maybe I loved annoying people. "And if I am annoying, I know you still love me."

His brows furrowed, "Where do you get your energy, Irina?" I was now done with my vase. And to me, every vase was special! So, delicately and thoughtfully, I started to design it's rather flat sides.

"It's because you're so adorable, Luke!" I moved my hand closer and before he even got to move away, I already managed to pinch his cheek, making his eyes widen. I quite knew what was ahead of me, but no regrets! "Don't worry, Irina-noona will always be this energetic!"

He sulked, the expression on his face saying it all:

'You're dead..'


A/N: In this chapter, we get to know Lucas a bit! I guess you can tell that he's in introvert, maybe a bit savage, and a whole tsun..

Other characters will come around very soon. You're welcome in advance!

EUPHONIOUS | knj. [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ