Chapter Ten

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"I can't believe it! Can you believe it?" I turned my head towards my Uncle, who was intently observing the broken ceramic inside the transparent bag I've put it in. I thought my Uncle fetching me from school was going to ease me up, but apparently, my blood was still pumping in my ears. "I was suffering on a couch, and then he suddenly walks in, hits my vase--" 

"And it falls into pieces. And guess what? He blames me for it!" my Uncle finished for me, raising his voice a pitch higher. "Of course. You've told me the story more than thrice for the past 30 minutes. But really, I can't believe it either. You can just make another one, Irina. One of the other things I also can't believe is how much effort you put into--" 

"Making the vase?" I cock an eyebrow, before nodding. "Hell yeah I put a lot of effort into making the vase. You know Lucas? Go and confirm it from him yourself, hurry!" I typed in Lucas' number in my phone, before handing it to him. He sighs, gently pushing it away. 

"I meant.. picking up all these pieces." he hands the transparent bag back to me. "Just forgive the poor boy. It was an accident. And you should really tone down with the eating." he eyes me, as I proceeded to eat my cookies again. 

"But it's so good," I reasoned. Get this; my uncle was not only the best lawyer in the world, but he was also the best baker in the world. Specifically, a cookie baker. I wasn't paying attention enough to think about what they were actually called.. but yeah! "Are you and Mr. Choi still thinking about joining forces and continue your odd idea?" 

He pushed up his glasses, sighing again. Man, he would always sigh and shake his head at me, and all I do was roll my eyes. I probably needed to step up my game. "It's not an odd idea, Irina. In fact, it's a brilliant idea! The more you don't want it to happen, the more it will." 

"The more you don't want it to happen, the more it will." I mocked his voice, before pretending to push up my glasses. He stared at me with an unamused look on his face, making me snicker. "Just kidding. Anyways, if that continues, I'm going to delete Mr. Choi's number on your phone." I smiled, before kissing his cheek. "Love you too! Goodnight!" 

I quickly pushed the door open and walked out, seemingly in a good mood now. It's either I was really bad at controlling my emotions, or this was just normal. And as much as I hate to say it, I doubt I'd be nicer to Namjoon. I don't think I won't be able to get over the broken vase in a while. I pretty much sticked to things that annoyed me. 

And it was annoying. 

As expected, the maids greeted me as I walked inside the house. Usually, I would've already made my way to the dining room to eat dinner, but this time, something was stopping me. I scanned the living room, and my ears picked up the sound of muffled voices arguing. 

Growing up, I wasn't used to hearing people bickering. Ironic, as I was always arguing with Namjoon. But taking that out of the picture, I think all of us were peaceful. And that's what I think

Sucks to be me. I wasn't always right. I was maybe too opinionated to even care if I was right or not. I was about to make my way to the dining room, hoping the argument wasn't going to go anywhere personal, when Sadie walked out of her mom's room, which was by the stairs. She didn't look too happy. 

Today wasn't a very good day. 

Jaehee and Chanyeol weren't around today. Namjoon probably had a bad day for being careless. My vase was broken. I was going to delete Mr. Choi's number on my Uncle's phone, and Sadie just argued with her mom. Now, they've been living with us for as long as I can remember, and her mom was my doctor, but laying all my cards on the table, I barely knew anything about her. 

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