Chapter Eleven

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"Woah, you dyed your hair?" I didn't know it would be so comforting to hear Jaehee's voice. Yes, it's only been a day since I haven't seen her, but being surrounded by boys all day was annoying. Lucas and Chanyeol are lucky I appreciate them that much. Jaehee was smiling widely as she made her way over, softly touching a strand of my brown hair. 

"Plot twist, I washed off the hair dye." Jaehee's brows rose at my words. From the corner of my eye, I see Lucas making his way over and dusting his hands. His expression seemed to be in question, too. "I've decided to go back to my natural colour for now, I've barely seen myself as a brunette for a year." 

"Well, it suits you." she winks, lightly slapping some of my hair off of my shoulders, before skipping back to her place. Unlike most of the time, everyone didn't seem like they were too busy. No one was singing medleys, no one was by themselves, and Lucas wasn't even making vases. Dusting his hands probably became a habit. 

Growing up, I've always been switching from hopeful talent to hopeful talent-- but I was never good at anything, except when I found a growing interest to start pottery. At first, I couldn't form shapes. I couldn't even make it stand up so I could form shapes. But in pottery, I found my passion. And in pottery, I became too restless. 

When I wasn't doing anything, I would unconsciously do something else. I would tap my fingers to a deaf rhythm, I would switch and turn, I would lightly stomp my feet, anything that would make me feel like I really was doing something. 

"What's up with the sudden laziness?" I asked, placing my bag by the couch, which didn't remind me of very good memories. 

"We're pretty loose today," Lucas informed. "Teachers said we've done a good job with our earned profit, that they've decided to give this day to us. Just for a day." 

I cocked a brow, "I'm surprised you aren't studying." hearing my words, he didn't look too surprised, "I don't have any lessons to pre-study." he claims, "But that reminds me, if it's too get my average even higher, I'll go for it." 

"Well then, the stage is all yours." I playfully rolled my eyes, "No one's going to get the valedictorian award from you." I tapped his shoulder with a grin, and I could tell he had something else to add, but I was already making my way to Jaehee, who was writing something on a piece of paper. 

"Mind me, but what's that for?" Yeah. Curse me for being so nosy all the time. But I just can't help it! And maybe it was just me, but as she was writing, I couldn't help but notice the edge of her lips unconsciously twitching into a small smile. 

She stopped writing, looked up at me, at the paper, then at me again. "It's a competition form.. Namjoon gave it to me, saying I just had to enter it. I mean, I don't know.. I've been dancing ballet for as long as I can remember, but.." 

"You can do it! When is it, anyways?" 

Her smile grew wider, "September 1." 

"You have so much time to practice! I'm sure you can do it. Look, you're lucky dancing is something you can show to the world. All I do is make vases and most people wouldn't even consider thinking about it. So in that case, you're lucky!" I moved my head so I can see the form better. "I'm hooked now. You can't stop me from supporting you!" 

I really was excited for her. I'm not very good at dancing in general, so I wouldn't be able to say it in a detailed, know-it-all way, but Jaehee was incredibly talented. No more words needed to be said. 

"Yeah. I don't think Namjoon will take no as an answer, anyways." If I had to be honest, I didn't know much about them two. Yes, we were always together, but we never really opened up to the point that I could already pinpoint their flaws. Okay, maybe I could with Namjoon, but as much as Jaehee seemed like an open book, she really wasn't. 

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