Chapter 24: Resurrection

Start from the beginning

"How does this make any sense to you?" She asked as he stood up.

"It just does."

"You're still crazy."

"I know. Now can I have the book back."

"Only if you can catch me!" She yelled as she pushed him back to the ground, darting into one of the other rooms. Nightshade stood up with a smile on his face. He walked up to one of the walls and placed his hands on it, he stuck to it and climb over top of one of the door frames.

"Shhhh..." He said with a finger to his lips. Rose peeked her head out.

"Where'd he go---" She began before he jumped down from the frame and pinned her against the wall. 

"Hey! No fair!" She yelled and she tried to fight back. Nightshade went in for a kiss, making Rose freeze and melt into it. She dropped the book and pen onto the floor. Nightshade let go of her hands, and she wrapped them around his neck, sinking deeper into the kiss. Everyone looked away once they heard Rose let out a little moan, deciding to do anything else right then. He pulled back, both of them breathless. She let go of his neck and he knelt down to pick up his book and pen.

"Thanks." He said, placing a light kiss on her forehead. She smiled and followed him over to the couch. Jaden and Alexis were curled up together on the other side watching tv. Mindy, Jasmine and Syrus were talking to Dawn and Dusk. Chazz and Blair were over at one of the tables talking, while Jesse was hanging out with Lapis. Axel, Hasselberry, and Jim were just over in the corner talking to one another.

Jaden looked over to Nightshade, who was still scribbling away in the book. The cover had a dark silver hexagon on it.

"Hey. Pass it over." Jaden said.

"In a sec. Almost done with this sketch." Nightshade said. "There." He handed the book to Jaden. The picture was of a battlefield, with various letters, numbers, and symbols covering various areas. The other pages were field with more symbols, letters, and numbers, but none of them had any meaning to Jaden.

"You still jot down notes like a crazy person." He said, handing the book back.

"I'll explain these later. Right now, you just focus on keeping Alexis warm, huh?" He said, teasing the two. Alexis curled a little deeper into Jaden's side, almost purring as she did so. Jaden wrapped his arm back around her. 

This lasted for about 30 minutes, until Nightshade stood up. 

"The cars will bring you to the house in an hour or two. I'm...I'm heading to the graveyard now..." He said. Rose shot up and grabbed his arm. "Don't worry. I'll be back..."

"But what if you---" Rose began.

"I'll. Be. Back. I promise." He said, giving her a light kiss.

"Okay..." She said. He walked out of the room, leaving everyone else behind. He got outside and began walking to the graveyard.


Nightshade got to the graveyard after a long walk. It was deep in one of the forests on the outskirts of Domino City. He walked along the path, seeing many different gravestones, until he saw the one. 

"Dad..." He said quietly. The stone read, "Here lies Jonathan Shade. R.I.P."

Nightshade took off his pendant and his father's dog tags, placing both on the gravestone. He took a deep breath and sat, cross legged, at the end of the stone. "Let's do this." His eyes flashed one white and the other black. His body began to levitate off the ground as he began to expel his power. "In exchange for one. Bring back another. In exchange for one! Bring back another! Mysta, daughter of the Shades! Creator! Arise!" He cried out. The sky turned dark and black, the only light came from his own body. In front of him, a lightning bolt struck the ground, opening up a hole. Out came The Creator.

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