Memory Loss Chapter 26

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"You idiot!" Yelled Tyler to his side man and hit him upside the head, "how did you not feel him take your keys! Why would you even get close enough to let him get them! Well don’t just stand there holding your head! Go get the keys! Ag you cant find anyone good these days." He said putting his hand through his hair and walking back into their room slamming the door behind him. Creepy man walking with his head down towards me to retrieve the keys. 

"You have moxy kid. I'll give you that. I felt you take the keys. I wouldn’t let you actually use them to escape, but I wanted to see if you'd blow it...And you did like I thought you would. Oh well sooner or later Bella will get here and we can just kill you." He said grabbing the keys from off the ground. 

"What did you just say to me?" I asked with fright in my voice. Was this their plan all along?!? To capture me to lure Bella here! Damn they are smarter then I thought... What am I going to do now?  

"Whoops, did I say that," he said with an evil smirk getting up  with the keys. "Well now you know our plan. To bad there is nothing you can do about it kid. I feel a tiny bit sorry for you. I'll see if I can convince the boss to at least give you a minute to say goodbye to Bella. It's the least I could do I guess." He finished with going back into the room where Tyler was. 

*Back to Bella and Jake* 

We ran non stop for a good 30 minutes in hope that we could get away from who ever was in the house. Maybe that was one of their bases they used? Why else would there be running water in a old abandoned place? It makes sense...right? After running for the long time Jake and I took a break to the side of the road to catch our breath. A few feet away there were trees on both sides of the road, almost enough to be a forest. We decided after we took a breather that it would be safest to continue on just inside of the forest. Enough that we were hidden, but not enough that we couldn’t see the road anymore. 

"Hey I see a fork in the road coming up again. And a building to one way of the fork. Lets get close to the change in the road and stop there." Jake said while taking a drink of water from our last water bottle. He offered me some but I didn’t need any. I was to focused on getting to Damen. 

"Why do you want to stop at the road though?" I ask curious on the matter. 

"For starters so we can take a bit of a break, but also so I can concentrate and see if I can make out anybody's thoughts in that building. For all we know that could be where they are keeping Damen." He said looking at me with hope in his eyes. How did I not know that’s why he wanted to stop? I forget sometimes that he can read minds, still adjusting to the thought of it all. 

We made it to the fork in the road 10minutes later. I nearly fell a few times along the way because I'd step faster then before thinking of the possibility that we were close to Damen. Id totally forget the fact that we were in the forest and that the ground is no where near being level, causing me to trip over myself. Jake found it completely hilarious how I kept falling. He'd offer to help me up but I'd push his hand away from him laughing at me. I sat down on a nearby rock while Jake took off his bag and left it with me so he could go to the edge of the forest to concentrate on his "inner power". I took the water from his bag and finished it without thinking or even knowing I did so.  

"So do you hear anything Jake?" I said getting up from my rock and getting closer to him.  

"No...not really. And the sun is starting to set already, lets move into the forest more and set up camp for the night. Pass me the water?" I looked down at my shoes when he brought up the water remark. 

"The water is all gone Jake. Sorry, I drake the rest of the bottle while you were thinking..." He sighed but said it was okay. We moved into the forest more and set up camp. Jake started a small fire and I decided to take the water bottles to see if I could find a stream or something to fill them back up again. 

I walked for at least an hour further into the woods in search for a water source. I made little marks on trees along the way so I wouldn’t get lost. When I was about to give up on my search I heard the sound of rushing water. I ran straight towards the sound and came upon a stream and a little waterfall. I filled the bottles and stuck my head until the water fall to cool myself down. It was pitch black out so I started my way back to Jake and the camp. 

*Back to the others* 

They went on through the dark in search of Jake and Bella. They kept going through the dark until the sun was starting to come up. Everyone was asleep since they decided it was time to stop and rest. Everyone but Raven. Raven had a feeling that they were so close to her brother and Bella. So she left the others as she went on to look around a bit.  

She came upon a building and went inside to explore. It looked like no one has been in it for at least 30 years. Yet she could see embers that shows there was a fire not long ago. She decided to investigate further and went up the stairs that were in front of her. Noise came from the floor boards with every step she took. But when she got to the landing she continued to hear noise... She was not alone. She carefully made her way towards a door that was slightly opened, hoping to find no one on the other side. She took out her pocket knife just incase though and pushed open the door just in time to hear a crash from outside the building. She ran to the window and looked out to see two people running far off into the distance. 


*** And the cliff hanger queen is back! So how did you like the new chapter!?! Please leave a comment. Love getting feed back and I REPLY TO ALL comments given. Not to many chapters left. Damen knows Tyler's plan and Raven found Jake and Bella...Only to loose them again. What will happen?? Stay tuned!***

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