Memory Loss Chapter 16

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                     ***Chapter 16***

At this moment I was trying to figure out how to explain what Raven just saw me do. And I had to do it quick because it looked like she wanted to come over and punch me in the face.

"Well! Why in the world would you slap my brother!" She said with he black tip manicure hands on her hip.

"I-um-uhh." I didn't know what to say I was so confussed this is happening way to fast!

"It wasn't her fault." I heard Jake say from behind me.

I turned around on my heel vary fast. Wait what! Did he just ... stand up for me?!? But-but why! Why would he do that for me. He could of got me kicked out of here and never deal with me again.

" What do you mean it wasn't her fault?" Barked Raven.

"Uhh can someone explain to me what is going on?" Asked Eve with a baffled look on her face. You could tell she had just woken up when Raven screamed. She had lovely bed hair. And when I say lovely I mean hair everywhere with knots and tangles. It was kind of funny actually.

"Well let me explain." Jake started to tell the story from the beggining. Like from the bathroom onward. During it he said how he hasnt been around a girl like me or anygirl he could talk to other then his sister. So he wanted to try and see if I'd let him.

You see NONE of this would of happened if Eve would of told everyone about me situation. With Damen and no memory he would know about Damen and me. But it has and I cant blame anyone for this.

After we worked everything I helped Eve and Mace make breakfast for the others. Frankly I was still hungry to. We made French Toast, and it smells soooo good right now. We made A LOT of it. Like 2 loafs of bread lot. We even have real Maple Syrup for it. I just really want to dig into this mound of french toast right now.

The second the plates of French Toast hit the table the rest of the gang ran to the table and started pilling toast onto their plate. I managed to find room to sit by getting a chair and sitting in between Eve and Jake. I started with putting 2 peices on my plate while I see everyone else has allready had like 4 peices. Well other then Eve and I.

"Have you ever had French Toast before Bella?" Asked Eve as she was cutting a peice of toast to eat.

"Not that I can remember." I said with a giggle.

"Well dig in Im sure that you will love it." She said looking at me with a smile.

So vary slowly I put the fork that had the toast on it to my mouth and ate it. And oh my god! This is the best thing I have ever had before!

After the first bite of that French Toast it was like I was in love. I dug right in like everyone one else and ate away. Even Eve was doing it now, I'm guessing she was eating politely because of me. Well it's good she's not scared to show her true colours around me. She I knew was someone that I can trust.

 While I helped to clean the dishes with Raven (still thinks I hit Jake for no reason even though he cleared it all up). Anyways I hope I can make amends with her eventually,because I would hate it if she hated me. I just don't like it when people are mad at me OR hate me.

" I truly am sorry for hitting your brother Raven. But he did deserve it." I said while washing a bunch of forks.

 " Humph." Really. At this rate it will take weeks to make her happy or at least smile... Okay I'm guessing it would take a lot more then a few weeks to see her smile.

 "Raven can we just start fresh?" I asked trying to look in her eyes to show he I was being truthful. "Me and your brother already made amends."

 "Would you stop calling him my brother!" She yelled tossing the drying cloth to the ground.

 "But that's what he is. He's your brother. Isn't he?" where they or went they siblings?!? This is getting confusing!

 " to tell you the truth." She started saying in a hushed voice so that no one would hear what she was saying. "We arnt technically siblings. My mother had me then adopted Jake when I was 3. Jake was only 1 at the time. We just say we are brother and sister because we basically are."

 What I couldn't get was why was she telling me this? Though people do say others tell complete strangers more then they do to others. Why, I don't know but it sounds kind of cool... Now that I think about it that's kind of what I did with Dame . Maybe Raven and me will be friends afterall. Well only time can tell at this point.


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