New RoadS! Chapitre 1

Comincia dall'inizio

"Job change? what is it exacly?"

"When you reach level 15 you can go to any guild and ask them to change your job. I started as a basic warrior but through my adventure i became a soldier of the Braeen kingdom, that's where i started, after finishing a number of quest and achieving a level i became a lieutenant, a commander and finaly a knight of Braeen. For each job there are levels, the Knight job is one of the many exemples. A thief based caracter can become a Royal Assasin, an Adventurer can develop parallel skills like Trap Detection... As for the magic based profession like mages you start with one branch of magic like the white magic for healing and buffing, the dark magik for debuffing and damaging, the elemental magic or the spiritual kinds. Then you unlock another, then another until you have them all and are called a Wizard!"

"That souds really complicated and exiting!"

"It is! There are also other kind of jobs but the Beta players didn't really look into it because they don't have offensive or healing abilities."

"No use on a battlefield? what kind of job are those?"

"Merchants, Architects, Scultors, Paintors, Tailors, Cooks, Smiths... some are useful and you can choose them as one of your paths or skills."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my start Job was warrior, i had the swordsman skill set as my primary Path but since i didn't always have time to go back to a city for equipment repairs or a meal i always foud it useful to have the skill cooking and smithing. To do so i chose Smith as a Secondary Path and Cooking as a skill."

"So you have your Job and a few other skill slots?"

"Not exatcly. Durring your first stage of the game, as you level up to attain level 15 you will develop or be taught skills like in all mmorpg's. the difference here is that you can also follow paths."

"Wait, like in The Path?"

"Yes. If someone wishes to use magic he will have to go see a magician and tell them so, they will teach them the rudimentary of those who follow the paths of Magiciens but it does not mean that you have become one."

"I am not sure i understand."

"Let us say that one of your path is Priest, the other Herborist, then the Jobs available to you will be in the range of Healer, Physicien or Magical Healer. However if you also learn a close combat skill like swordsmanship you can become a Wandering Benefactor a Cleric or a Heartfull Warrior."

"I see! the skills you have will determine the kind of path you follow and those will determine the jobs corresponding to your abbilities, right!?"
"What about you? Your Knight Job, how did you get it?"
"Well the first Path i followed was Swordsman, then there was Horse Riding, Pure Hearted One, which is quiet difficult to obtain, and Commander. When i went to ask for a Job the Knight one was proposed to me."
"I see...How many paths can you take?"
"You have the Primary Path which determines weather you're a combattant, craftman or other, and two Secondary Paths. After that are the skills, they have very little effect on the Job and take time to grind."

For a few minutes they talked about a few more Paths and Skills. When the Cook Path was brough up the host ask Jeremy

"Is there a hunger stat?"
"Not just hunger, but thirst, hygine, fatigue... if you stinked too much certain kind of mobs would be able to trail you by skent, if you were too hungry your maximum health, strength, toughness and endurance would fall. you can get infections, colds, cough... I once puked because of the stench in a dungeon!"
"This is very realistic!"
"Oh, you have no idea how realistic it is!"

The guest laughed as if he knew something the presentator didn't. they then talked of the kind of quests you could expect to get. At the beginers level it could range from the no-combats/fetch & deliver quests (E class quests) and go all the way to the mythical ones who would change the status of the whole game platform, the SS class Quests.

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