The Zoo

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We went to the zoo today.

Sky and I.

We saw a lot of animals.

Skyler was very excited to see a rhino

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Skyler was very excited to see a rhino. He kept shouting, "Look mamma! Rhiiinoooo!", extremely loudly. The people who walked past us laughed so much, because every scream was usually pre-empted by me whispering," shhhhh Sky, rhino's are peaceful creatures, they like quiet."

I think it's safe to say he didn't understand.

This poor thing was just standing there for hours

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This poor thing was just standing there for hours. I actually thought it was statue. If it didn't keep moving it's ear, I wouldn't even have thought for a second it was real.

Sky loved it, "Look, mamma, it's a big one a rhiiinoooo!"

Sky loved it, "Look, mamma, it's a big one a rhiiinoooo!"

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The people at this enclosure was very loud. And the Hippo decided she's had enough and unceremoniously just left and layed in her hut.

This was an especially exciting one for Sky: "Look mamma, the whooohooo is putting the food on it's head!"

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This was an especially exciting one for Sky: "Look mamma, the whooohooo is putting the food on it's head!"

Whooohooo is what he calls an Elephant. He does this adorable trunk thing with his arm too.

This is the squirrel I kept pointing out to him, and he never saw

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This is the squirrel I kept pointing out to him, and he never saw. I showed him the photo and his response was: "Nice mousy!"

 I showed him the photo and his response was: "Nice mousy!"

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Sky loved the Giraffe! And kept insisting that it was blue.

"Mamma, I see a blue 'raffe!"

No matter what I said in argument, he always had an answer.

Resistance was futile.

"Look, mamma! A cat!" Lol

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"Look, mamma! A cat!" Lol... he's adorable. It is a Mountain Lion, i think.

He loved the monkeys! We had to stand there for 15 minutes before we got to move over to the next animal

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He loved the monkeys! We had to stand there for 15 minutes before we got to move over to the next animal... and this is all they did.

Later, he told his grandmother that he ate the monkey. She was horrified!

 She was horrified!

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All and all.. it was a good day... he loved every second of it.

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