A day in my life 2018

43 18 1

Nataline ran towards the faceless villian, he grabs her by the shoulders. She tries to make sense of his face, but it's fuzzy. The face becomes clearer-

"Beep... beep beep... beep... beep beep," the alarm intrudes in on my dream. The villian disappears completely and all I can see is red and orange splotches as the sun tries to invade my sleep too.

Who sets an alarm for 6am in the moring on a Saturday? I think to myself as I stretched out in my bed. My toes peeking out of the duvet touching something freezing cold.

I jump up quickly, slightly freaked out.

Just to find my son standing at the bottom of the bed. His golden hair all ruffled up from a good night's sleep, his cheeks glowing.

"Mommy," he said tiredly, "I please have pappies?"

I groan as I get out of bed, hitting my boyfriend on his shoulder before I do.

"Switch your alarms off on Saturdays, moron!" I grumble as I walk to the kitchen with our two year old son.

I make Skyler his porridge and put it on the dinningroom table.

Skyler walks up to it cautiously.

"Shoo shoo?" He says noting the steam coming out of the porridge. I smile ruefully. I want to kill him, but he's just too cute.

He climbs onto the chair and picks up the spoon next to the porridge, looking at it. Judging it. I can tell.

"No," he says whining, "not theese one, I want blue one!"

"Sky, please!" I frown at him exasperated.

"Blue one," he says whining louder, mommy, please!" I groan as I shuffle through the drawer trying to locate the damn blue spoon.

"Tank ewe," he said gratefully and smashed the spoon into his porridge enthusiastically.

Within seconds he's swallowed down the whole bowl. He gets off the chair with his bowl and spoon and walk over to the basin.

He launches them into the basin, as if they were basketballs and the basin the net. I flinch at the crash, but I expected it. He does it every morning. He turns around and looks up at me with a glint in his eye.

"Pappies yummy in tummy," he says, knowing full well he's cute, "I please have tea?"

I sigh in annoyance, not with him, but with me. I should have preempted this. Now it's going to take forever to cool the tea down.

"Baby Girl," Dewayne murmured from te kitchen door, "I'll do it, you go back to bed."

"Thank you, Teddy Bear," I smiled up at him lovingly. Stroking my hand over his stubble, before kissing him on the cheek.

I did not need a second invitation.

I climbed back into the bed and snuggled up into the duvet. Trying to force my head to go back to Nataline and her villian.

It wasn't long before I felt little arms snaking around my neck, I opened my eyes and smiled at Sky.

"LaLove ewe, mommy," he said and gave me eskimo kisses.

"I love you too, Sky-Sky," I whispered, coving us with a blanket as we drifted back into dreamland.

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