A Teacher's Job isn't Always Easy

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As a teacher you can always tell the difference between a parent that cares and a parent that couldn't care less.

For the record we teachers prefer the forner, rather than the later.

Today we had a very busy day and one of the boys in my class just refused to do anything. It's been a long struggle with Nick this year. And when I told his mom this afternoon it wasn't a surprise to her.

But, I still felt bad. The second I told her, I almost regretted it.

Tears formed in her eyes. Her words came out shaking. The disappointment was so clearly visible in her whole body, that Nick had the grace to approach her for his head hanging. Knowing what happened.

This mother looked straight into his soul, and her little boy quiveted in his shoes. He knew what was going to happen next.

No, this mother doesn't give whoopings.... she gives lectures. Professional, wiggle uncomfortably in your chair, tear jerking lectures.

So, the second I saw it coming, I made my excuses and left. But I knew, not 5 minutes will go past without little Nick coming to my class to apologize feverently.

He's very good at apologies. He's had plenty of practice in that department.

I feel sorry for his mother, she's such a nice person. Such a good mother.

I always tell my coworkers- if I had a mother like her, I'd have been way less dysfunctional

Unfortunately, she got a master manipulator for a son.

One day, I pray, he will realise what a great mother he has... hopefully before it's too late.

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