It seemed so impossible, so bizarre, since the last time he saw him had been in a cemetery. This was truly and outrageously impossible.

I should have been jumping from the bed and hugging him. Should have been quietly scolding him for having died, but now that I willed myself to move, to hug him and cry and scowl at him, I was unable to move. My limbs felt heavy as if my bones had been replaced with metal.

I tried to push myself up, to move, to reach out, to lift my head, but my efforts were in vain. Opening my mouth, I willed myself to speak out to him, but no sound came out. I was completely immobile.

The man slowly turned around. I wanted to shout at him to stop, that I was awake, but I couldn't. I could only watch in frustration as he walked to the door. Suddenly, he stopped by the doorway, and my eyes widened. I was sure that he would turn around or atleast glance back to so that I could meet his bright blue eyes, but he only reached out to the doorknob and closed the door.


My eyes opened. Immediately, I sat up and locked my gaze on the door, as if I could see even a slight indication that he had been here.


I brushed my hair back in frustration. It had been so real. I had felt his presence in my room last night. Surely, it was not a dream.

Staring at the door, I willed it to open; to give me a sign that he had indeed been here last night. Alive.

To my surprise, the door indeed opened. My eyes widened, but before I could jump and hug him this time, a small person entered the room.

I stared at Lilac as she looked up from the tray she had been balancing to meet my own. She blinked in surprise, probably at the expression I had. Smoothing it into a blank look, I glared at the girl, daring her to say something.

Lilac pursed her lips, but was thankfully quiet as she approached me once again. The tray wobbled in her hands but remained upright as she placed it on top of a table.

"You should eat, alright?", she gave me a small smile, "Doctor's order."

I watched as she closed the door behind her before staring at the food. My stomach rumbled in hunger and I weighed if I should eat or not. There was a chance that they had put something in it, but as I lifted a spoonful to my nose, there was nothing but the smell of spices.

My stomach rumbled again and I decided to satisfy my hunger. In a few minutes, I had finished my meal and leaned back on the bed.

It had been a long time since I've rested and eaten and felt... protected. I've always felt a feeling of unrest wherever I was, like someone was always watching and planning to stab me. But here, even though I didn't want to, I felt calm.

And bored.

I scowled. This was so boring.

Regardless of being calm and protected, I always did crave that feeling of rush; of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I moved as one with my blades. The feeling of being protected couldn't match to the feeling of killing someone.

With that thought, I made up my mind. I stood from the comforts of the bed and glanced around the room. They took great care not to leave me with anything that had a point. Even a knife and fork was missing from the eating utensils Lilac had brought me. Either they were afraid I'd accidentally stab someone, or I didn't need to use a weapon to defend myself when Allen and his guards are present.

I eased the scowl from my face and considered leaving this place empty handed. I didn't need a weapon to defend myself, but swinging a fist rather than a blade was too much of an effort to make.

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