Chapter One~The End of Summer

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They were unfortunately, or rather fortunately however you'd consider, not in lacking.  Some were as ancient that if touched would turn to dust, others still so fresh you could smell the wet ink on the parchment. 

Either way they surrounded the witch. Rows stacked with a million copies.  She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, scrunching her face at the layer of dust accumulated on the black binding of one of the thousands. 

She pulled her lips together, then softly blew, causing the dust to float off the book into the air. 

The bell clanked against itself, letting out a ding from the front of the shop. Right.  She shoved it back onto the shelf, and headed towards the register where she was needed. 

"Hello Evans." 

She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in disapproval.  "Hello Sirius. Could I get you any books? Or are you here for Potter?"  She added an over exaggerated smile.

"Actually-" he shifted towards the desk, leaning ever so gracefully upon it. "I'm here for myself." 

She raised her eyebrows. "Is that so?"

"You see Lils, I know you are in love with me.  It's ok I won't tell James." 

"You caught me." The corners of her mouth pulled upwards.  She leaned in, and as there lips were about to meet the two burst into a fit of laughter. 

Why? Well James Potter was right outside the shop, staring in through the window. And thanks to the help of Sirius, she had finally gotten him back. 

She gave him a high five as the door burst open, James giving them both a death glare.

"That was NOT funny." James frowned.

"Oh come on mate." Sirius began, snaking an arm around lily Evans's waist. "You know you deserved that."

"What is this?" He asked gesturing to their embrace.

"It's called a friendship Potter." Lily said rolling her eyes.

"Since when?" He asked, jealousy rising through his voice.

"Well Sirius and I have been writing, and we bonded over how much of an arse you are, therefore a friendship, formed in spite of you."

The witch shifted away from Sirius and to a pile of books that needed stacking.
With a flick of her wand they flew off towards the shelves. She returned behind the desk.

"Why must you work here Evans? it's a great deal boring." James asked slouching onto the desk.

"Where is Remus?" She asked.

"What for?" James asked.

All of a sudden there was a loud crash as Sirius had knocked over an ink jar. She swallowed her irritation, simply cleaning up the spill with a charm.

"Sorry Lily." Sirius shrugged.

She raised a scornful eye, yet smirked at Sirius, before turning to answer James Potters question.

"Why? Because he unlike you two, would appreciate an afternoon in a bookstore, and is a great deal more pleasant to talk to." She said simply.

"But Lils, aren't we a great deal more pleasant to look at?" Sirius asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hey you two can stop flirting with each other now!" James said, about to punch his best mate out. "But I agree Lily, aren't we pleasant company?"

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