Family Discussion

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Every time I got the chance, I would go into John’s room just to see if I could find anything that looked suspicious. I would go when he was at school, when he left to go to the bathroom, any time that he wasn’t in there. The first day I went in there, I found what looked to be a burnt spoon but I couldn’t find anything else that could be considered evidence of John using drugs.

After a while, my mom got suspicious of me constantly going into John’s room so one day, she sat me down to have a talk.

“Lexi, I don’t know what’s going on with you. You seem so secretive and you keep going into John’s room. Is there something going on that I or your father should know about?”

I sat there silently.

“Come on Lexi, you can’t just ignore me. You’ll have to talk sooner or later and the sooner the better.”

I still didn’t say anything.

She sighed, “Alright then.”

She sat quietly for a few moments.


I looked up.

“You aren’t pregnant again are you?” she said, worried.

I shook my head no.

She let out another sigh, however, this time it was a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God.”

“Do you think I’m stupid enough to get myself pregnant again? I have two children. I don’t need any more,” I said, defending myself.

“Honey, I don’t think you’re stupid. I just want to know what’s going on with you, and even what’s going on with John. Something with you two doesn’t seem right. Ever since that day we took the twins, there has been a really strong tension between you both. What happened that day?”

“Nothing mom. I don’t want to talk.”

“You need to talk whether you want to or not.”

After mom said that, I heard Amberley crying.

“I don’t have to talk. Amberley’s crying. I have to go take care of her.”

I stood up, went to the twin’s room and walked over to Amberley’s crib. Somehow she had managed to get herself tangled in the blanket and she couldn’t get herself out.

I leaned down to pick her up, “Come here sweet girl. It’s ok. Mommy’s here.”

I untangled her from the blanket, and threw it into the crib. 

Amberley continued crying and buried her head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around her. “Shhh, Amberley, you’re ok. You’re gonna wake up your brother,” I lifted her so I could see her face. Her eyes were red and she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

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