Old Friends (Part 2)

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“John I’m leaving. I’ll see you in a little bit,” I called as I shut the front door. 

I got into my car and though technically I couldn’t drive legally, I drove anyway.

I got to the mall at 9:50 because I wanted to do some shopping for new baby clothes. The ones the twins had were getting a little bit tight. They were growing like wildflowers, and at almost 6 months, they needed more and more clothing what seemed like every day.

Another reason I wanted to get new clothes for the twins was because there was a baby store that had just opened and I wanted to see what they had.

When I first went in, I felt completely lost. I didn’t know where anything was so I just started wandering around. I ended up being in the newborn boy’s section.

“I am so lost,” I said to myself.

“What’s that?” I heard a woman say from about an aisle away.

I looked around but didn’t say anything. I figured they were just talking to someone on the phone.

I stared at the onesies in front of me.

“Is that you?” I heard the woman say again.

I turned to face her, my eyes fully open and my jaw following closely behind. 


“Lexi, it is you! Come here, give me a hug!”

“What are you doing here? I thought you moved? Oh my gosh, I cannot believe you’re here right now!”

“I did move, but I really hated it so I decided that I was going to move back here. I’m actually getting my job back at the hospital as well so I’ll be Amberley and Bryce’s doctor again.”

I couldn’t stop smiling, “That is so awesome.”

I suddenly realized where we were standing, “Did you have another baby?”

“Oh, no. I’m actually shopping for my little brother and his girlfriend. He, uh, he’s your age, and he got her pregnant. I’m just trying to get some necessary things to give them at the baby shower.”

“Oh, do they live around here?”

“Yeah, they’re both living with our parents and my parents just moved here too. They always heard me bragging about what a wonderful place it was and they had to come see for themselves. Maybe I can introduce you all sometime.”

“Yeah, that would be great, and I’d really love to talk with you longer, but I have a lunch date at 11 and I have to get some shopping done so I’ll see you later.”

“Ok, I’ll see you around then.”

“Hey, real quick, do you know which way the 6 month old clothes are?”

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