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You can skip this chapter if you want because it's not really a chapter but I'm putting this down right here and now.

I'm pissed beyond fuck, and I fell like stabbing everyone and everything.

Like, what the fuck is wrong with the people in my country? I mean, not all of the people in my country but you guys get the idea.

Are you guys that heartless and brainless to even say things like that? Do you even think about the consequences? Or is your brain just so full of shit that you can't think straight?

That's right you motherfuckers, I'm talking about you, you homophobic fucks.

I know there's none of you here or else why else would you be reading this book but I feel like ranting to someone, so I'm sorry.

But like, I hate the word homophobic. Like, it's not a phobia that you're scared of the LGBT+ people, you guys are just bunch of assholes have your brain grown in your anus instead of your head.

Do you even know what you say will effect what they will think? You don't ask them to see a psychiatrist just because their part of the LGBT+ community, you don't say they are a disgrace to human just because they like the same gender.

If anything, you are the disgrace.

You think they want to be gay? You can't control who you love, and if your crush happens to be the same gender as you, then just go for it.

For all I care, I could love a goddamn tree and there's nothing wrong with it.

It's people lives, they can live how they like it and they can love who they want. You don't control them, so don't tell them like your in control of their lives.

I'm sick and tired of this bullshit, I'm sick of seeing people being bullied on the internet just because of their sexuality.

I'll make this loud and clear, I'm bisexual and I have friends that are too.

You don't go to an LGBT+ person and say "Your a disgrace to humanity" They are as insecure as they already are, and your not fucking helping them.

If anything, you are a disgrace to humanity.

You think that people in the LGBT+ community are freaks and disgrace. But let me tell you, at the end of the day, we're all humans and we should respect each other.

If you still don't get the fact that there's nothing wrong loving the same gender, then that's fine. Because apparently, you were born without a brain but that's fine. Keep the hate to yourself at least, not spreading them in the internet and let everyone see that your an asshole.

It's the 21st century people, open your fucking eyes. The world is different, be more open. We're no longer in the 17th century.

In my country, if your LGBT+, you will be sent to jail for 20 fucking years or they will get you a psychiatrist to heal their "problems".

Like, what the fuck. No.

There's nothing wrong with LGBT+, so leave us the fuck alone. It's none of your fucking business.

If you think your "helping" them, your not. Your only making it worse, so think what your saying before opening your mouth.

Oh, and I get really triggered when people put LGB+ instead of LGBT+ Like, what the fuck man, Transgender is also a part of the community, don't cancel them out.

If your part of the LGBT+ and everyone that surround you hates you, don't hurt yourself or what not.

Because there are tons of people that will support you, even if they don't know you. You are not alone in this.

If anything, I'll support you, and many others as well. So don't give up on yourself, because others didn't give up on you.

I don't care what sexuality you are, your religion, skin color. I'll support you, no matter what.

You are loved, never forget that.... 

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