Murderer on the loose

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[Murderer!Dark x Student!Mark]

Mark's POV
I was sitting on the couch, my arms folded while sulking.

Recently, my parents hired a babysitter because they were going on a buisness trip and won't be back for a while.....and because there was a murderer on the loose.

I just came back from school and my parents told me the news, they said the babysitter would be here any minute now.

Way to ruin my day.

So here I am, sitting on the couch being a salty and sulking bitch.

"Now, now, darling, no sulking. You'll love your babysitter, I just know it!" My mom excitedly said, a bright smile on her face.

I continue sulking "But mom, I'm sixteen! I can take care of myself!" I protested.

"But can you take care of yourself when there's a murderer on the loose? Ten bodies in just one week! That murderer is dangerous, sweetie, you could be next!"

"But mom-" I dragged, but my mom beat me to it.

"No buts, honey. You are hanging out with your babysitter and that's last, Mark"

I huffed, going back to my slouching position, being twice the salty and sulking bitch I am.

After a while, there was a ring on our doorbell and my mom smiled, looking at me "oh, here he is, Mark!"

My mom went to opened the door, and my babysitter came in. I didn't see my babysitter's face because he was behimd the couch and because I didn't want too.

I groaned, slowly standing up and dragged my salty ass to the door, leaning over it with a frown on my face.

"Now, honey. Be good and do whatever your babysitter tells you to, alright?"

I grumbled but nodded, and my mom kissed my forehead and I hugged my dad. I watched as they got in the yellow taxi as it drove off, leaving me with my babysitter in the house.

Well, if I'm gonna stay here with my babysitter might as well know what he looks like.

I turned my head to look at him and my eyes widen.

He was the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in my entire life.

He had fluffy raven hair, a built figure, red eyes that somehow seem mesmerising, and greyish-tan skin. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt, black pants. Everything black.

He must have caught me staring because he grinned slightly, approaching me. Soon, he was just a few feet away from me.

"Hey there! I supposed your not really keen in having a babysitter, are you?"He said, his voice deep and buttery.

Oh my god, his voice makes my knees weak.

I nodded, not really looking at him.

He chuckled, holding a hand out to me to shake.

God, his laugh is infectious.

"The name's dark and you can just act me as a friend that's having a sleepober with you until your parents return, alright?"

I nodded, sheepishly returning the hand shake "m-my name is Mark..."

Did I just stuttered?

He smiled and led us to the couch, plopping down on it as he looked at me.

"Okay so let's get to know about each other. I'll start first, no matter how personal."

"How old are you?"

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