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This was requested by Magical_Nyla_Writes
[Villain!Dark x Hero!Mark]

Guess who's making a special appearance in this chapter?!

Mark's POV
"We need a plan....a good one too..." Felix mumbled as he ran a hand through his hair. "We can't afford to lose more of you..."

I softly sighed, remembering that faithful day. Bomb, explosion and pained screams. The villains declared war and wanted to bring us to our downfall, and we were stupid, falling to their trap.

They killed many of us, and even took one away from us. I could see the pained and panicked expression on his face when he was taken and I was heartbroken knowing that we couldn't do shit about it.


Jack was the one that was taken, his shouts and screams when he was taken away. I wanted to help, so badly. But I was on the verge of dying, the villains tricked us to smell a gas that prevent us from using our powers, making us fight like a normal human.

My regeneration powers were not working back then, obviously. So I had no chance on helping Jack even if I wanted to.

I couldn't even save myself......

So after months of trying to get Jack back to no avail, we presume he was dead, but I doubt that he was. Even now, after years of his disappearance, I knew he wasn't dead.

He was still alive, somewhere in this world.

"We need to find a way to get into a base without getting spotted and try to find a way to get that power diamond....." Felix muttered again, looking hard at the sketched version of the villains base.

"But how though?" Ken piped in, looking at Felix, stroking his beard.

Felix face suddenly lit up, looking at everyone in the room "oh yeah, I just remember....not long ago, the villains did a promotion thing, where all the people who wanted to be a villain goes to their base as they train there......and the best one gets to work with them!"

Ken did an 'o' face, before looking questioning at Felix "but who will go though, the both of us can't really go as the villains can recognize us easily, Wade can't go cause he'll fuck things up.."

"Hey!" We heard wade shouted from the other room, and I smiled, shaking my head.

"Bob can't go cause he has to help us with technology......"

I saw Ken face drop, and I know what he meant "Jack was the perfect one....."

I sigh softly, looking down to the table.

"And that only leaves you, Mark....."

I looked up at Ken, my eyes wide as I pointed to myself "m-me...?"

Ken nodded "yeah, you, Mark. The villains don't really know you as you don't do the talking part, aaannddd your one of the best in here. I'm pretty sure you can do it, just go in, blend with the others, steal the power diamond, and come back to us, simple...."

"You know it's not that simple, right?" Felix raised an eyebrow, folding his arms as he looked at Ken.

"I think I can handle it..." I said, looking at them with a smile. "After all, I have different abilities, it won't be that hard..."

Felix didn't really look convinced, but he accepted it anyway.

So, the next day, Felix told Bob to erase every single heroic thing that I had done and change it with criminal murder, bloodlust and so on.

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