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This oneshot was inspired by Trashcanallalong story 'Lovestruck (A markiplier's AU)'. Go cheeck it out its  awesome!!


Dark's POV
I clenched my fist as I watched the video in front of me, my brows furrowing as I slightly snarled.

The video is one of Marks recently posted video, with Amy in the video as well. They were both laughing and having the time of their life.

I clenched my fist tighter. Amy's suppose to love me! Not this goody-two shoes Mark.

I've tried anyway I can to make her love me and dumped Mark, but I always fail.


But not this time. Recently, I have asked Wilford to help me make a love potion and have put all the love potion in Amys tea that her mother made all by herself, secretly, of course.

If everything goes to plan, she will be head over heels for me in no time.

I smirked. I can't wait to break Marks heart.

Amy's POV
I smiled as I carefully wrapped the teabags that my mom made in a packing. I was planning to give this to Mark since I've already tried it many times before, and I wanted to let Mark tried as it was delicious.

As I shut the cover and picked it up, I realised that it was a little heavier than I originally remembered, but I shrugged it off.

Maybe my mom decided to add a little more stuffing?

I smiled and got in my car, starting it as I drove off to Marks house.

Mark's POV
I did a girly yelp as I died in the game again, sighing as I looked off to the live chat. Some where giving me positive comments, while some were saying how funny my yelp was.

I decided to rest and answer the live chat, and one question was how was Amy, I smiled as I looked to the camera.

"Oh, me and Amy are fine. We're actually doing pretty good!"

That reminds me...

"Oh and, speaking of Amy, she got me this tea that her mom made it all by herself! Cool right?" I exclaimed excitedly, opening the box and randomly taking one out, which was pink, surprisingly.

"I don't remember tea leaves being pink...." I mumbled to myself, looking at the camera with a confused face, hoping I wasn't the only one that was seeing this.

The comments to say that they also saw it, and they were also wondering why.

I chuckled slightly, shrugging in the slightest "maybe all of us are high on drugs"

I didn't looked what the comments were saying as I put the pink teabag on a cup and added hot water.

"Strawberry maybe?" I suggested out loud, watching as the hot water became pink.

I looked as the comment said maybe, and no and some said that strawberry tea aren't supposed to be pink.

I raised an eyebrow "colouring?" I suggested again and didn't looked at the chat, focusing on the weird pink drink instead.

I took the teaspoon and dipped it in the pink liquid, stirring the substance.

I looked at the camera, smiling "maybe I'll be pink!" I cheered, giggling at my silly comment "pinkiplier!" I cheered again.

I lifted the cup and looked at the audience, tipping it. "Cheers" and drank the entire liquid in a gulp.

I looked back at the camera, smiling "it taste like cotton candy!" I said to the camera, noting at how my words were slurring.

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