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[Joker!Dark x Psychologist!Mark ]

Oh and also before I start, Dark is a kinky ass motherfucker who has a heavy daddy kink and other kinks. Okay? Okay.

Sorry for the delay.


Mark's POV
It was just like everyday, meeting crazy patients and helping them. Well, try to.

And everyday is the same patient all over again, some were actually recovering from their insanity, and some were still in the same state.

You see, I've only been recently working here in Arkham Asylum, and everything is going quite well to be honest.

When my shift is done, I went back to my office and leaned back into my chair, sighing to myself as I took off my coat and hung it by the it pole.

I've met all of the patients here in Arkham Asylum.....except for one.

I've never seen him before and he calls himself the Joker. And apparently, much to my surprise, none of the psychologist that worked here had talked to him or what not.

They say one time, a psychologist was in charge being the Joker's doctor....but she ended up being insane and almost destroying the entire Asylum.

She's dead now if your wondering.

So I kinda did my own research and found out not only is the Joker crazy, his manipulative as well. So you have to be very cautious around him and keep your guard up at all times when dealing him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark figure and I snapped my head towards the direction and saw nothing.

I sighed, maybe I was just seeing things.

Yeah, I probably am.

I took my stuff and shove it to my briefcase, and I went back home

Once home, I closed the door and was immediately greeted by a giant ball of golden fluff tackling me to the ground.

I chuckled as I ruffled the golden fluff of cuteness. It's my dog, Chica.

"How's my little puppy wumpus woo?" I said in a baby voice, still ruffling my dogs fur.

She responded with a lick and got off me, and I stood up, patting her head and giving her her food, which he responded with her furious tail wagging and a lick to my hand.

I smiled, isn't she just the cutest?

When I make sure that Chica didn't make a mess and had gone to bed, I made my way upstairs and put my briefcase down and stretched myself, yawning.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

I should take a quick shower.

So a quick shower is what I did, I then changed into my black pajamas and went to bed, putting my glasses by my bedside table, offing all the lights.

As I was almost asleep, I heard a crash from downstairs and groaned, slowly sitting up and grabbed for my glasses, putting them on.

"Chica? Did you smash something again?" I sleepily asked, opening my door as I lazily head downstairs, turning on my lights.

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