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Tord stared in awe for a second. He didn't know what to say! He didn't know what he felt...
"Tom I...I don't know how I feel...I just-" Tord tried but was cut off.
"Don't, it's fine...as long as I'm your friend I'll be fine...I'm sorry for...for kissing you..." Tom said with a sigh, looking to the side.
"Please don't cry!" Tord said with worry making Tom giggle a bit.
"You cried for me too though!" Tom said with a smile, a tear streaming down his face.
"Because you were being tortured..." Tord said, unamused.
"I'm gonna go to the market real quick for dinner! Don't you go anywhere!" Tom said a smile still plastered on his face. Tord was now suspicious.
"Tom are you okay? You never smile like this..." Tord spike in calm words honestly terrified.
"IM FINE! I'm going to the damned market! I'll be back later!" Tom yelled, his grin not going away for a second. Tom slammed the door as he exited and Tord immediately felt guilty. Tom went out to the apartment parking lot and found his car. He didn't usually drive places but the market was a long ways away. He sobbed all the way there and tried to calm down but just couldn't.

Tord hugged himself, knowing he caused Tom's sadness. He groaned and mentally decided to tell Tom the truth. Now that he's had time to think about it he knew he liked Tom too. He always has he just didn't want to admit it. Seeing Tom cry hurt him, and he never wanted to see him cry again. He waited patiently for Tom, honestly not being able to get up anyway. He got impatient and decided to call Andy, one of the soldiers that looks after Tom.
"Hello sir!" He answered the call happily.
"Where is Tom?" Tord asked sternly, jumping right to the point.
"He's went straight from your apartment to a bar downtown and left with some girl about an hour ago, they went to a motel." Marty said casually. Tord's breath hitched.
"Th-Thank you...I want you to call me when he leaves there..." Tord said sadly before hanging up. That call was made at 10 at night. Tord sat alone in the dark apartment, not 4 in the morning. He gave up on waiting and slowly got to bed.

The next morning he woke up around 8. He happily got up and wobbled on his crutches at first but got into the living room. Alas, no Tom. Tord sighed and sat back on the couch, waiting for Tom. He waited for hours, only getting up to eat or go to the bathroom. Finally around 2 Tom walked into the room. His clothes were a mess, along with his hair. He smelled of hard liquor and perfume. He groaned as he put a hand through his tangled hair and slammed the door.
"Tommy! I got so worried!" Tord grinned, standing from the couch. Tom slowly looked up and scoffed, walking to his room.

Tord growled hearing Tom talking on the phone. He giggled as he talked to the person on the other line. Jealousy flowed through Tord's veins. He crossed his arms sadly accepting the fact if he would have just said he liked Tom back this wouldn't be happening. He heard Tom's door open. He looked up and saw Tom standing over him.
"What?" Tom asked, tilting his head.
"I'm sorry..." Tord squeaked, tears forming. Tom looked confused.
"For what? Why are you crying?!" Tom asked, plopping down on the couch next to Tord.
"I do like you! Dammit I love you! I don't want you to be with some whore from the bar! I want you to be with me! It isn't fair I was a few hours late!" Tord sobbed, trying to wipe the tears away.

"Who? Angela?" Tom asked.
"Is that her name..." Tord said with a low and raspy voice. Tom started laughing, making Tord look up.
"Angela is my bar buddy! She owns the bar and lives above it, every time I get drunk she doesn't want me to drive and I live too far away from it so she gets me a room at this motel next door and lets me sleep it off!" Tom said, still giggling.
"Oh..." Tord said, blushing and embarrassed.

"So you do like me? You...you love me?" Tom said with a slight smile. Tord nodded, not looking tom in the eyes. Tom ruffled Tord's hair and got up. Tord looked up at him with sparkling eyes.
"I love you too!" Tom grinned.
"Now! I need a shower...I smell terrible!" Tom admitted, happily skipping off to the bathroom. Tord felt happy. He can't believe what just happened honestly! Bar buddy...who tf has a bar buddy?! He watched a movie and slowly started falling asleep on the couch. He felt a pair of hands go over his eyes, making it dark.
"Guess who!" Tom said from behind him. Tord scoffed.
"Simon Cowell?(names??)" Tord guessed with a shrug.
"I wish! But no it's me the alcoholic weirdo..." Tom said, now walking in font of Tord and sitting next to him.
"Is all you've been doing just sitting on the couch?" Tom asked, honestly surprised. Tord nodded.
"Nothing else TO do...once I found out you were with that girl I became worried and paranoid...I stayed up till 4 am to be told she was you're damn bar buddy!" Tord groaned, sitting back making Tom chuckle.

"You're so adorable! Don't stay up that late though...you go back to work tomorrow remember!" Tom said, booping Tord on the nose. Tord groaned loudly.
"NOOO! I'm staying here! They can deal with it on their own!" Tord protested, crossing his arms.
"You are so fucking stubborn!" Tom said, shaking his head.
"Wanna watch fifty shades of grey?!" Tord said excitedly, making Tom blush.
"You know what! Sure! Why the fuck not!" Tom said, trying to have a positive attitude. As soon as they started watching it though Tom wanted to pour bleach on his eyes.

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