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Okay so you know about the knee surgery I had Thursday? Well! This is all based on what I had/ have to go through! Everything Tord does I did and everything that pains him pains me! I just wanted to add that because I needed to see someone else suffer the awfulness of's awful!! I was out of school for three days and it still hurts to move...

Tom was panicking. One of the many doctors ran past him and he tripped them. They fell to the floor and groaned. Tom picked them back up by the collar of their lab coat.
"What do you mean HE IS T BREATHING?!" Tom yelled, anger laced in his voice.
"W-We accidentally cut through a muscle we weren't supposed to! We're fixing it though! We're taking out muscle from his hamstring and a ligament in his knee! He'll be fine! We'll explain everything after!" The person said before getting released from Tom's grip and running in he double doors.

Tom sat there. He wanted to cry but he didn't. It was a weird feeling, knowing he person you once wanted nothing to do with could die and you felt awful about it...he sat down and tried to polecat himself. An hour passed when it only felt like ten minutes to Tom. He was sitting in a chair, his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands. Someone stepped in front of him and he looked up. It was another surgeon who had a smile on his face.
"Good news and bad news, what first?" The doctor said, his smile falling a bit. Tom's heart jumped at this.
"Um...G-Good news..." Tom said, scared to ask what the bad news was.
"Tord survived! He's totally okay and can speak his voice is just a bit raspy! Bad news is his knee is all fucked up...he's in a immobilized for a week, he walks on crutches for three weeks, physical therapy in a week and three days, you're taking care of him! He's very loopy right now and he's  going to be on extreme pain's something that tells you more about can come see him when you're ready!" They said before smiling and walking back into the double doors. Tom was shocked and a bit weirded out. First his voice now his knee is fucked up? He hesitantly got up and walked into the double doors. He saw a lot of medical equipment and lights and a bed with a Tord in it. Tom smiled. He walked over and Tord opened his eyes.

"Tom? Where am I?" Tord said sitting up. Tom grinned ear to ear hearing him talk, even if it was raspy and hard to understand. Tord looked around and got tears in his eyes. He started sobbing.
"I'm so confused where am I?!" He yelled. Tom just sat there. The same doctor from earlier came over and chuckled.
"He's a bit loopy so he'll act like this for a day or two. It's normal! Here, help him get his clothes back on! We'll wheel him out to a jet and have him air lifted back to London!" She said, handing Tom Tord's clothes. She shut the curtain that was around them and Tom looked over at the delusional norski. Tom cleared his throat.

"Okay Tord! I guess I have to help you get dressed then...lean over so I can get that stupid hospital gown off you..." Tom said, walking over to Tord. Tord leaned forward and put a hand on Tom's arm for support. Tom untied the gown and he was thankful he still had his underwear on. He eventually got him dressed and situated. Let's skip to the part where Tord is asleep on the jet and Tom grumbling to himself. He was reading the small packet the surgeon gave him on how to take care of Tord. He had to make sure his leg was elevated at all times, he couldn't get the brace wet so he had to help him with showers and stuff, and he wasn't allowed to use a wheelchair since he needed to be walking. He could return to work in a week. Tom huffed again. They reached Tom's apartment and got Tord back to sleep.

Tord woke up in an unfamiliar place. Once he got adjusted he remembered.
"Tom?" He shouted kind of quietly. Tom was almost immediately at the door.
"Hey! You're awake! Hungry?" Tom asked, walking into the room. Tord shook his head.
"I'm feeling nauseous..." he said, holding his stomach. Tom chuckled.
"You have to eat something to take these pills with...maybe you can stomach some crackers?" Tom said with a shrug. Tord nodded with a slight smile. Tom left and quickly came back with a package of saltine crackers. Tord could eat three of four of them, then took the pills before going straight back to sleep. Tom smiled.
"Please get better..." Tom said before turning the light out and going to bed himself. He woke up to a scream.

He ran to Tord's room and saw him clutching his leg. Tom hissed to himself before rushing to get the crackers and pain pills also a ice pack before running back in the room.
"Shhh it's alright! Calm down it's okay..." Tom said, trying to sooth Tord's knee while rubbing his back at the same time.
"Damn Tom! This is awful what the fuck did they do to me?!" Tord screeched, gripping he bed sheets.
"They took out some ligament and hamstring from your leg...haven't you noticed you can speak again? You're horse but still can talk!" Tom said with a grin. Tord looked up, surprised.
"Holy shit I can talk!" Tord said, his smile widening.
"Okay Tord! You need to walk around now! Let's try to get you in he living room!" Tom said as Tord's face turned white.
Tord got off he bed and screamed as the blood rushed to his wounds and the weight pushed down on him. It took him a while but he finally got slowly moving on he crutches. He got to the living room and tried his best to get on the couch. He managed, and he was sat in a reclining chair so his leg could be up. Tom could already tell his was going to be a loooong few weeks...he had to take care of this menace who he didn't even like in the first place...

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