True mute

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Tord woke up in the morning and saw Tom gone. He sighed, sorta enjoying not being alone for once. He got up and stretched. He walked into the kitchen to see the news on, Matt eating cereal and messing with Snapchat, and Edd making waiting for toast to come out the toaster.
"Where's Tom?" He asked, looking on the couch to see if he fell back asleep there.
"I think he left last night. Matt came here early this morning to tell me about some stupid filter..." Edd said, rolling his eyes.
"It's not stupid! It looks like a little bunny!" Matt said, smiling at himself in the phone. Tord chuckled a bit. He sat at the table with the two and we talked some more. After a while, they decided to go out and stroll around London, since they didn't live far. Everyone got dressed and went to Tom's apartment.
"Tom! Get your ass up! We're going to London!" Edd yelled, banging on Tom's door. Tom opened the door with a smile on his face. He didn't look drunk or mad, he was dressed, clean looking, and happy! Tord was shocked.

All three of them got in the car. Edd and Matt in the front, Edd driving, and Tom and Tord in the back. They drove for a bit, listening to the radio before Tord spoke.
"Why are you so happy this morning?" Tord asked, turning towards Tom. He jumped, and looked at Tord. He shrugged.
"Just in a good mood! I got good sleep last night!" Tom said with a grin. Once we got to the middle of London, Edd and Matt wanted to go to a festival happening a block away. Tord and Tom didn't want to get caught up with more people than they already have to, do they stuck with the small shops on a main street type area.
"So! How is the army?" Tom asked, looking at Tord, still a big smile on his face. Tord was honestly creeped out, but ignored it.
"Well...I don't know if I really want to work with them anymore...we're fighting for communism pretty much, which is just outdated. We hurt so many people but...we have some good times with each other! We're like a big idiotic family!" Tord said with a chuckle. Tom's smile went from being a big grin to a soft, warm one.
"You got a degree in literary arts didn't you?" Tom asked. Tord's upper body froze. How did Tom know that.
"You're dad wanted you to work for the army but you didn't want to, so that's where you disappeared to...the first time you left went to college! For a literary arts degree! Then...he died and you thought you HAD to take over the you never did anything with it." Tom explained as Tord stood there shocked.

"How?!" Tord asked, a light blush of embarrassment on his face. Tom laughed.
You can find out a lot from finding old journals you left behind!" Tom said with another grin. Tord has totally forgotten about those! He left them in the attic before the incident! Tord blushed even more and groaned. He was so worked up, he didn't see where he was going. He walked out into the street, next thug he knows, he hears a loud honking. He looked up and gasped as a large, tall truck came right for him.
"TORD!" Tom yelled, wanting to jump out to get him, but it was too late. Tord was sent flying as the truck came to a halt. Tord laud there, motionless for a second.

Tom and then truck driver ran to inspect Tord, and make sure he was still alive, which luckily, he was.
"Tord?" Tom said quietly, shaking Tord a bit. They had attracted a crowd, and an ambulance was even heard in the distance. Tord groaned.
"Too-.." Tord tried to say, but couldn't get the words out his mouth before passing out.

He woke up in a hospital bed. Edd, Matt, and Tom sitting around him. Tord tried to talk, but nothing came out. He was confused. Tom looked over and saw Tord was awake.
"Oh thank jehova! Tord you scare the shit out of me!" Tom yelled, both happy and mad. Tord tried to say something again, but failed again. He pouted to his throat and Tom's expression went blank. Matt looked down and Edd sighed.
"Tord..." Edd started, not knowing how to tell Tord this.
"When the truck hit you, it hit your broke the cartilage of your esophagus and damaged your vocal cords...cartilage can't fix once it's doctor says it's not that bad but...your either going to be mute for a very long time or...permanently..." Edd explained, a look of sympathy in his eyes. Tord looked shocked as he put s hand around his throat. His chest was wrapped in bandages, along with other parts of his body.
Wow...would you look at that irony...that's what he gets for not talking for years huh?

Over the few days Tord was in hospital, Tom gave him a white board and marker, to write down what he wants to say.
"Or you can text it in your notes on your phone." Tom said, pointing to the notes app on Tord's phone. Tord started writing on his little white board.
'I really appreciate this Tom' it wrote. Tom chuckled.
"Not a problem! I'm sorry this happened...I should of pulled you back..." Tom said with a sigh. Tord wrote again.
'It isn't your fault! I wasn't looking where I was going" Tord said, trying to laugh, but had a tough time. Tom smiled.
"We're going to talk this out when you get better okay!" Tom said, standing up and ruffling Tord's hair. Tord looked up confused.
'But I'm permanently mute?' Tord wrote.
"Maybe! The doc said it wasn't too bad so you COULD get better! And I'm betting on it!" Tom said with a grin.
Tord has no idea why Tom was so happy, but he had to admit, he kinda enjoyed Tom's smile.

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