Like me?

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Tom was cooped up in the room Tord gave him. He wasn't aloud to roam around or be with Tord when he had meetings or anything, which was often. So he sat on his bed, messing with a yo-yo. He groaned and laid down. He had been there for four days now and nothing interesting has happened yet. Just Tord going to meetings and him being stuck here. He sat up.
"That commie assholes can't control me!" Tom said to himself before getting up and walking out the door. He looked around, all clear. He started walking, honestly excited to see what this place had to offer. He came across a split in the hallways. He took a left and came to double doors. He hesitantly went through, scared of what he'd see. He almost vomited from the smell. It was awful. Lights came on when he walked in, and it showed various skeletons, body parts, or full humans that were dead and cut open. Posters about the human body were everywhere, sharp tools and papers littered the ground and counters. This must be where they do research on the human body. Tom looked around for a second before running out the room. He couldn't be in there anymore. He came across a large, fancy looking elevator. He grinned and got in. There were 6 floors to this particular red army building. Tom chose 6, since he was only on the 2nd floor. The place was CROWDED with soldiers. Tom gasped as soon as he walked in and saw. Some people turned their heads to see Tom standing there. He wasn't in uniform, so that meant he didn't work for them. How were they supposed to know Tom was with Tord if they never saw him come out the room? Tom's fear came true and a lot of them pointed their guns at him. He put his hands up and got on his knees as they instructed. One guy went up to him. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes. A scar over his nose and freckles all over his face. He was super pale too.

"Who are you?" He said, pointing the gun right at Tom's head.
"T-Tom!" Tom yelled, shaking with fear.
"WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?!" The soldier yelled, pressing the gun harder.
"Nobody I swear!" Tom started to get tears in his eyes. Dammit what a crumby way to die.
"LIAR!" The soldier hit Tom on the side of the head, causing him to fall.
"Not gonna fess up? last useless human on earth then..." the soldier said with a shrug as you could hear him cock the gun.
"P-Please don't! I'm with Tord I swear!" Tom said, a year running down his cheek.
"Likely story!" The soldier said, rolling his eyes.

They heard another click. The soldier dropped his gun and put his hands up. He slowly turned to see Tord standing there holding a pistol to his head. He motioned for him to move and the soldier did so. Tord walked over and helped Tom up with a smile. Tord glared at all the soldiers and they looked at each other with scared faces. Tord grabbed Tom's arm and started walking off. He took out his phone and started typing.
What the hell were you thinking coming up here? You could have been killed!
Tom sighed.
"I was bored and I roamed around and ended up here..." Tom said, looking down. Tord sighed.
I'm going on for surgery Tom. I'll be able to talk again! Tord typed with a grin. Tom gasped.
"Tord I don't think that's a good idea! What if it messes something else up! Like your breathing or something!" Tom said, remembering what the doctor said.
Don't worry, I'll be fine! Tord typed with another smile.
"Alright...but ANYTHING happens to you! Someone is getting hurt..." Tom growled, balling his hands into fists. Tord put on an unamused face.
You almost got shot... he typed with a chuckled. Tom rolled his eyes.
"This is're fine you don't need surgery!" Tom yelled, pouting a bit. Tord smiled.
What Tom? Do you like me or something? I'll be just fine. I've trusted these people for many years. Tord showed Tom his phone and grin, putting it in his pocket. He gave a thumbs up and started walking off. Tom sadly waved back. Once Tord was out of sight, he sighed and put a hand through his hair. He blushed to himself.

No, he fucking hated Tord! He didn't like him...he just cared if he got even more hurt than before! He just...cared that's all! Is it a crime to care for someone?
He groaned and sat in one of the many chairs they had laying around the halls of the base. Many hours passed. Many. Somewhere around 6 and 7 and Tom eventually fell asleep. Only getting up to go to the bathroom twice. Someone even asked if he was going to get food from the cafeteria. He said no that Tord could come back and Tom wouldn't be there. He woke up and groaned. Most the lights were turned off. Except for some bright ones down the hall Tord went down. Tom decided to follow it. He got up and followed the light out the dark hall. He looked and saw a double-door with windows on them. He peeked inside and saw many nurses, doctors, and surgeons all in a circle. There were a bunch of lights all around them, giving them a creepy effect. One of them looked up and started running for the door. Tom backed up just enough not to get hit in the face. The doctor threw off his mask and started yelling. People started coming out of different rooms, wondering what the yelling was for. Tom stood there in bewilderment. Until then doctor said one thing over and over Tom would never forget.

"He isn't breathing!!"

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