I'm coming with you

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The army ended up finding what had happened, and took Tord. They ended up having to amputate his arm, since it had already been damaged pretty badly from the robot incident. Tord sighed as he looked out the window of his hospital room. He had an artificial robot arm now, and his face was even more scared than before. He still couldn't talk either. He stood up and wobbled a bit, not being used to standing. He walked out the room to find Paul and Pat talking outside the door.
"Boss! Where are you going?" Pat asked, watching Tord walk away. Tord turned around, and hooked his pinkie fingers together twice to hand sign the word 'friends' before walking off. Tord walked outside to where they kept the Jets, and glared at one of the pilots.
"Y-yes sir?" They asked. Tord pointed to a Jet, then signed the word friends again.
"You want me to take you back to London?" The pilot asked, low key guessing. Tord nodded and walked into the Jet. He flew for a little while before finally reaching where he was going. He ran down the road, tying his hoodie around his waist so he wouldn't get too hot. He kept running until he reached where he was looking for: TableTree Apartments.

He smiled and walked in. He went to the third floor and knocked on 118, Edd's door. Edd answered and grinned, giving Tord a huge hug.
"Tord! You've come back! How are you?" Edd asked, pulling back to look Tord over. He showed him the arm, and shrugged. Edd's face fell.
"Oh...well come on in! We've missed you!" Edd said, a small smile appearing for a second before falling again. They walked in and Matt sat on the couch, asleep with peppa pig on the tv. Tom was nowhere to be seen.
"Tom has been...a bit depressed...he think you left us again without saying anything...I tried to tell him you were going to the army just to get yourself fixed but..." Edd looked down and Tord stood there in shock. He didn't even do anything this time!

Tord sprinted out the room and banged on Tom's door. Tom answered. He looked a mess. Hair all tangled, alcohol smell lingered everywhere, and he didn't have any trace of a smile on his face. Tord smiled, and waved. Tom just growled.
"You left us again...I knew yo could t be trusted! You god damn TWIT!" Tom yelled, pushing Tord and pinning his to the wall. Tord looked at him, wishing so badly he could say something.
"Tom stop!" Edd yelled from behind.
"He seriously didn't do anything wrong! He left to get help from HIS army!" Edd yelled, pulling Tom back, him letting me go. I coughed, but it didn't sound right. Like an old car trying to start up almost. Tom looked up. A bit of worry showing in his face.
"Look at his arm Thomas!" Edd yelled, pointing to Tord's arm. Tom looked and saw it was now metal. Tom gasped and look up at Tord, who was still coughing a bit.
"I'm...I'm sorry I didn't..." Tom looked disappointed, not in Tord but in himself. Tord looked up and smiled, walking up to give Tom a hug. Tom sighed and hugged back. Tord pulled back and grinned. Tom smiled back a bit.

Tord wanted to say something, obviously he couldn't do that. He did some hand signs and Tom looked confused.
"Um...yes!" Tom said, trying to be confident so he didn't make Tord feel bad. Tord smiled a bit and looked down. He shook his head no. He then remembered his phone, and took it out.
'I'm happy to see you' he typed. Tom smiled.
"Yes!" He said again with a smile. Tord chuckled, or closely chuckled to this. It was silent. Tord sighed and gave Tom a hug, then gave one to Edd. He waved and started walking off.
"Where are you going?" Tom asked. Tord opened his mouth to speak, but shut it. He started typing again.
'Back to the army...I just needed to know you guys were okay...if you want to come you can, but I'm needed up there' Tord typed with a frown. Tom growled.
"So you DID leave us!" Tom yelled, making Tord shake his head no.
"Fine! I WILL come with you!" Tom yelled, standing up straight trying to be taller than Tord. Tord shrugged and started walking off.
"Well bye!" Edd said, crossing his arms.

Tom waved without turning around and Edd groaned before walking back in his apartment. He couldn't deal with Tom right now.
Tom and Tord walked outside and down the street.
"Where are we going?" Tom asked. Tord just looked back at him and kept walking, soon looking back ahead.
"Hey! Answer the question!" Tom yelled, running up to where he would be beside Tom.
"DAMMIT COMMIE ANSWER ME! WHERE THE F-uuuck...oh right...shit sorry dude..." Tom said, temporarily forgetting Tord couldn't speak. Tord just kept his gaze in front of him, trying not to let his feelings overwhelm him.
"Tord?" Tom said calmly, reaching to put a hand on Tord's shoulder before he slapped it away. Tom looked down. They walked for a while before reaching the place the jet had landed.
"Red Leader sir! Come on! I've been waiting!" The pilot said with a smile. He looked over at Tom and glared.
"Is HE with you...or is he here to shoot you out the sky and get you hit by a truck again..." the blonde said. That hurt.
"I-I didn't get him hit! I swear I-I didn't mean to I..." Tom was done trying to explain. He just sighed and looked down. Tord growled at the soldier. If he could yell right now he would. Tord just angrily pointed at the small jet in front of them. The pilot got the idea, and started it up. Tord smiled and signaled for Tom to come in. Tom walked in to a beautiful set up. Crimson carpets and beige walls. He seats matched and there were white tables in front of each set of seats. It was really nice.
"I'm sorry...for yelling at you..." Tom said as he sat next to Tord. He looked over and shrugged giving a smile, then a thumbs up.
Well at least he forgave him...for now...

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