He's insane

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Tord heard the water running as Tom came back into the living room, his hoodie off and his long sleeves rolled up. Tord stared as he got Tord's medicine together. Tom looked up and chuckled.
"What?" He said , tilting his head slightly. Tord shook his head and looked away blushing. Tom got the three little pills and a bottle of water and took it over to Tord.
"Are you done talking to me?" Tom said calmly,  bending down a bit. Tord refused to look at him.
"Aw Tordy! Don't go mute on me now! Is it because I have to help you with your shower?" Tom said, still smiling like a dork. Tord slowly nodded. Tom sighed.
"Here take these..." Tom said, grabbing Tord's hand and putting the pills in it. He put the water bottle beside him and sat on the couch. Tord blushed a bit, but shook it off and took the medicine.
"I know you hate me helping you...but Tord...you are going to be in a lot of pain if you try to do it yourself...please just willingly let me help you...and talk to me! You just got your voice back now use it!" Tom said, standing up and walking back to the bathroom.

Tord looked down, kinda feeling bad now. He groaned and mumbled a fine. He tried getting up, but ended up letting out a small whimper as he stood. All the blood rushes down to his knee, sending him on a journey of pain. Tom walked back in to see this and rolled his voids again.
"See why I mean?" Tom said, helping Tord up.
Tord sighed and nodded in defeat.
"Come on...better get this over with! I know you hate going even a day without taking a shower so come on..." Tom said, walking to the bathroom once again. Tord whimper-groaned as he made his way to the teal colored bathroom.

"Sit on the toilet and take your clothes off..." Tom said, sitting on his knees trying to get the water right. Tord blushed and leaned his crutches against the wall as he took off his hoodie and shirt off. He looked to the side and sat down. Tom looked over and made an 'ahem' noise.
"All of it...you don't have to take your underwater off if you think you can get them off over the trash bag! I had to help you get dressed after the surgery anyway! It's not like I'm seeing anything new..." Tom said with a chuckle. Tord sighed and took his Batman pajama pants off.

Tom already had one of those big black trash bags in the room with him. He ripped a hole in it for Tord's foot to go through. Tom turned himself to face Tord and took his socks off for him since he couldn't reach them. He carefully put the trash bag over his leg and tied it with the two red strings around his upper thigh.
"There! Now Tord...do you really wanna try to do this by yourself?" Tom said seriously. Tord nodded.
"Alright then...I hear one whimper I'm coming in here!" Tom said, putting some clean clothes on the counter and taking the dirty ones. He stood up and started walking out the door.
"I'm leaving this cracked!" Tom said, not shutting the door all the way and walking off.

About twenty five minutes later Tom looked up from his book he was reading. He heard sobbing. He quickly ran to the bathroom and saw Tord sitting on the toilet, his hair wet and most of his clothes on.
"Jeez! How the fuck did you manage to get- you know what it doesn't matter! You alright?" Tom said walking over to Tord who was holding his leg up. He nodded while sniffling.
"I can't get my pants and socks on...I tried and it hurt r-really badly..." Tord said, wiping his tears away. Tom sighed.
"It's okay Tordy...I'm surprised you could do all this by yourself! You're doing great..." Tom said with a smirk. He helped Tord get the rest of the way dressed and they made their way to the living room. They were watching a movie while Tord ate cheesecake since his appetite was getting better.

He eventually fell asleep, and Tom giggled at this. There was a knock at the door and Edd and Matt walked in.
"HEYO!" Edd yelled as Tord groaned and woke up.
"Dammit Edd he just got to sleep! What is it..." Tom said, getting up and putting his hands on his hips.
"Oh sorry...I came to see how Tord was! Is his knee okay?" Edd asked, more quiet this time.
"Yea...he's better than yesterday! He can barely eat anything and he's in a lot of pain but he's doing pretty good..." Tom said, patting Tord who just wanted to go back to sleep.
"Aww! He reminds me of a little kid!" Matt squealed with excitement.
"He is like a little kid! These damn pills he's taking are insane! There making HIM insane!" Tom said with a forced smile.
"You're insane..." Tord grumbled, leaning back in his chair.
"Yea whatever...how have you guys been in the last two weeks since I've seen ya?" Tom said, now genuinely smiling.

"We've been good! Matt broke a mirror and was depressed for a week but most everything is good!" Edd said, putting his hands in his pockets. They chatted for a bit until Tord got grumpy and wanted to go to bed. Edd and Matt left and Tom helped Tord get to bed. He sighed and laid in his own bed, staring at the ceiling. Tord was once again having trouble sleeping for some reason. He's pretty sure it's because he's on his back. He HATES sleeping on his back. He liked the first night when Tom slept in bed with him...it was warm and nice. He sat up and sighed.
"Tooooom!" Tord whined. Tom groaned as he got up and walked into Tord's room.
"Yes..." Tom said groggily.
"I want you to sleep with me again!" Tord said with a pouty face.
"Don't say it like that, and why?" Tom said with a sigh.
"Cause I'm cold!" Tord said, crossing his arms.
"Fine! But only because you're loopy and probably won't remember this..." Tom said, getting in the bed with Tord.

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