I like you

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Tom had just tucked Tord into bed, since he was already half asleep anyway. He turned his head to the side and fully went to sleep. Tom smiled at him and sighed. He had to go back to work tomorrow and the next day and so on for three more days then he's off for two days. He made sure to try and get to bed early that night, which he surprisingly succeeded in. He woke up and went through his morning routine. He went into Tord's room to see him peacefully sleeping. He smiled and closed the door. He left and made sure to tell Edd he was gone. He walked into the store where he works and got a slap on the back. He turned around to see, Eric.
"Hey Tom! I want you to do that special job for me again~" Eric said with a grin. Tom hesitantly nodded and followed Eric to the back door and out into the dark alleyway. He was slammed against the brick wall and pinned there. He looked at Eric like he was with tears in his eyes.
"Please just get it over with...as long as I'm being paid extra..." Tom whimpered, looking to the side.
"You're gay for that red boy, aren't you?" Eric whispered, smirking. Tom shook his head.
"Lier..." he growled.
"There's no denying it Thomas~ I've read it...how beautiful his hair is, how he has changed to have a heart of gold..." Eric said with a light chuckle. Tom's "eyes" widened.
"YOU READ MY DREAM BOOK! HOW DID YOU-" Tom was shut up by a pair of lips on his. He struggled and eventually Eric pulled away.

"Now that I know you like this kind of thing I won't feel as bad as I usually do about doing this~" he smirked and Tom cowered back a bit.
"Just..m-make it quick...please..." Tom asked, shivering a bit. Eric's hand slid up Tom's uniform as he started biting Tom's neck. Eric looked up and smirked.
"You're MINE Thomas~" Tom was about to start crying but he heard a gunshot, and Eric fell to the ground. He looked over to see two red army soldiers standing there, one had his gun raised.
"We are your protectors...we have been assigned to make sure nothing bad happens to you! We have tracked you and seen what this guy has done to you! We will make sure you get another job as soon as possible, we have been ordered by Red Leader to give you 10,000 pounds to help you through your tough times!" They announced, handing Tom a small case. It had money in it, assumably 10,000 pounds.

Tom gasped and shook his head.
"I can't accept this! I can't take money from Tord..." Tom said, setting the case down and kicking it back to the soldiers. They looked at each other and laughed. Tom was confused.
"We predicted this! So we went ahead and put it in your bank account, this is all counterfeit." They said, throwing the case in a nearby dumpster.
"NO! I can't do that! I refuse to accept that much money!" Tom yelled. The soldiers weren't amused.
"Tord has seen you sitting at the table, stressfully doing taxes and paying bills, you get sexually assaulted by this guy at least once a week for extra pay! That isn't happening anymore...go home to Tord...we will make sure you get there safely." One of the soldiers said with a smile. Tom smiled back and nodded, saying a thank you before turning and walking away. He walked in the house and Tord immediately stood up from the couch he was sitting at, ignoring the pain. He started crying as Tom ran in front of him, wiping tears away.
"What's wring?! Are you okay?" Tom asked, confused on what was wrong with Tord.

"Are you okay?! You we-were getting raped Tom! That's not okay!" Tord yelled angrily making tom back away.
"How could you let somebody do that to you! Do you not care about yourself?!" Tord yelled, more tears falling. Tom looked down ashamed.
"I'm sorry I just...I needed the extra money with you being here and all! He offered that to me and...I..." Tom sighed and looked back to the side.
"Oh my god is this my fault?!" Tord said, covering his mouth and looking terrified. Tom viciously shook his head.
"NO! This is not your fault at all!" Tom yelled.

Tord looked down.
"I can just go live with the army...I didn't know I was burdening this much..." Tord said, sniffling a bit.
"You aren't a burden to me! You never will be!" Tom replied with a smile.
Tord smiled back.
"Are you sure?" Tord asked, hugging himself. Tom nodded.
"I'm not accepting that money you gave me either...I can't take it from you.." Tom said, sitting on he couch along with Tord.
"Too bad! I'm helping out! I have too much money I don't know what to do with it all...so why not give it to a friend that needs it..." Tord said with a grin. Tom chuckled and shook his head.
"You are too adorable!" Tom said, now laughing. Tord blushed a bit.
"Adorable?" Tord said, smirking. Tom stopped his laughter and blushed shaking his head.
"Not that way! I-I mean I-" Tom didn't know how to cover this up now. Tord giggled.
"You finds me adorable! Nobody ever told me that, thank you!" Tord said with a grin, grabbing the tv remote and turning it on. Tom was just staring at Tord with pink dusted all along his cheeks. He sighed and scooted closer to Tord, making him look up.
"Um...Tom? What are you doing?" Tord asked, seeing Tom scoot closer to him. He made sure Tord was looking at him before kissing him, passionately and softly. Tord was shocked when Tom pulled away.
"Tord...you would never burden me...because I...I like you...I like you a lot..." Tom said, turning red as he looked away.

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