"You look gorgeous Lupe" I said to her and smiled. "Oh thank you Leah honey! So do you" she says back. Emilia just did something that kind of hit me. She reached her arms out for me the same exact way Emme would always want me to carry her. Jens mom gave Emilia to me and I carried her in my arms.

"Hi babygirl" I said and softly pokes her nose. She started to form a smile and I kissed her several times on her cheek. I love Emilia so so so much.

"So you're not even gonna say hi to me?" Jen says. I look up at her and shake my head and walk over to her. "Hi babe" I smiled and kissed her for a second.

"Were the girls good today?"

"Of course. We had so much fun. Talked about a lot of things. Ate a lot...I might've bought them something" I said. Jen looks at the girls who had the Disney bags.

"Hm..well what did you get for me? I know you didn't forget me"

"Oh.." I said and Jens face gets all serious. "Joking! I got you and your mom a necklace. I bought Emilia a baby Disney sweater. It's a bit big but I wanted to get her earrings. But she hasn't gotten her piercings yet."

"Oh okay. Well thank you" she smiles. I give the necklace to her mom too.

After dinner, jen went upstairs to put Emilia to sleep. That gave me time to talk to her mom before she left. Yeah I'm asking her the same day I asked the girls.

"Hey, can I ask you a question Lupe?"

"Of course? What is it?"

"Well..I-uh..hm.." I pause and she's looking at me interested on what I'm gonna say. I know her mom loves me but I'm just scared she'll say no. Even because jen was worried back then that her mom wouldn't even want another girl to raise Emme but she accepted that a long time ago. Now it's marriage. I don't know.

"I'm gonna make this quick because jen won't take that long with Emilia but anyways..I wanted to say..it's been a year and almost a half that jen and I have been together. I love your daughter so much and I'm so thankful that you've accepted me into your family like this. Especially since I know what jen has been through. It means a lot that you two let me into this life that I know has been hard for her. Especially helping raise Emme and Emilia with Jennifer..I'm so thankful that I have your trust.."

"You wanna marry her don't you" she interrupts. Well that came out of nowhere.

I didn't say anything. I got nervous again.

"I never thought I'd let a girl marry my daughter but.. you've proven to me that it's worth it. At first I didn't want Jennifer to remarry because of her past but after she brought you into our family... things changed and I've learned how much Jennifer has learned to be more confident..too confident that she was comfortable enough to be with a girl. Not to sound offensive. I obviously support all this but what I mean is, she would've made a dumb decision. She used to be so desperate before Emme until she met emmes dad. I never liked him but Jennifer wouldn't listen. I had a sense that he was horrible but she didn't listen. A mom is always right..and I think you're the one for her. I do trust you like you said. I love you and your family. We've all gotten to know each other so well already and.... I'd be more than happy to let you marry her"

"Are you serious?" I said in shock. Am I lucky or something? Everything is turning out just right so far.

"Yes!" She says and laughs. "Oh my- thank you thank you thank you!" I said and just hugged her immediately.

"If you need her ring size let me know"

"Oh yes. I'll need that. The girls wanna help me pick next week"

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