"What? Is he and your new boyfriend gonna kick my ass?" He chuckles, filling in the space between us. I fight back a gag, he reeks of beer and arrogance.

Ashton would do more than just kick his ass, Bennett wouldn't stand a chance against him. Wait? Why am I thinking about Ashton? Especially at a time like this.

My heart finds its way into my throat, "He did before and that was without help."

Dammit, Scarlett, don't you ever shut up?

Bennett reaches out and caresses my face, his ring scratching my cheek. "I don't see him around and it's time for me to collect, Cutie." He breathes into my ear.

The nickname disgusts me, unlike the one Ashton gave me I never learned to like Cutie. The way Bennett said it was always malicious, even when he claimed to love me.

He's oblivious to my hands moving behind me, pawing the surface for a hidden object. It has to be here somewhere.

Bennett leans down to press a kiss to the base of my throat, disgustingly his favorite spot. "I miss seeing my necklace around you." I certainly don't.

My right hand clasps around a flashlight and I swing it around, hitting him square in the jaw. I knew it was there somewhere. The hit isn't hard enough to break anything but he stumbles back.

"Stay the hell away from me!" I scream, running towards the door. I'm halfway there when he grabs my arm.

"Big mistake, Cutie." He states, deathly quiet.

He throws me against the wall, my body hitting it with a jolting force. My face and right side of my body throbbing. I stagger back to my feet and throw a punch at his face just as the door gets slammed open.

"Get the hell away from her!" Sage yells, body slamming him to the ground.

Ella, who had entered with Sage runs over and pulls me up. She's shaking almost as bad as I am. It's not until she touches my nose do I realize it's bleeding. Stella runs into the room, James and Ashton hot on her heels.

I'm in full tremors by the time she reaches me. The room moving because I'm shaking so bad. My breathing rapid and shallow as tears and blood ran down my face.

James runs right to Sage's side, knowing enough to not question why my brother is currently beating someone black and blue. Ashton, however, stands there completely lost, unsure of what to make of Sage beating the shit out of someone.

He looks over at me, my body hidden partially by Ella. Beginning to walk our way, concerned etched onto his face, but then she moves to get something to stop the bleeding. I watched as his face shifted from concern to fury. He stops, his attention focusing on Bennett as he pins him against the wall.

My breathing gets worse, the room blurry from all my tears.

"Sage!" Ella calls out, holding a rag full of ice to my nose.

He doesn't hear her over the music and grunts of pain.

"Sage!" she tries again, this time getting his attention. "She needs to get out of here."

I try to speak, I'm fine. They don't need to worry about me. Sage gives Bennett one last punch before running over and scooping me into his arms.

"Looks like someone forgot to take their meds." Bennett calls out, spitting blood onto the floor. He sure doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact he's getting the daylights knocked out of him.

I hear another punch get thrown but I'm gone before I can see who threw it.

Sage sings to me the entire jog to the car, a soft lullaby that our mother would sing to us as babies. She also sang it to me after I had my first anxiety attack when I was ten.

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