Powering through ~ Arthur

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Arthur's POV:
I closed the door behind me softly so as not to disturb the others. I was headed to aau to finish writing up my presentation for the board. I really hope that they take on my ideas, I need to be able to help them. I need to.
He walked up to the entrance, the familiar sound of busying porters and patients mixed with chatter and the occasional siren. It wasn't loud but it was there. He sighed, a smile on his face, and looked up.
Sitting on the table in front of him was Serena, alone, she looked upset. He considered walking over to her but decided he wasn't ready for counselling this early in the morning.
I walked into the lift and stood, gathering my thoughts.
'Oh hold the lift, hold the lift!' A voice came.
My favourite voice.
'Hey Morven how are you' I gave her a quick kiss.
'Yeah good good' she replied with a smile. I loved that smile ' have you told Dom and zosia that your moving out yet?'
Oh no what was I gonna do.
'Well I meant to tell them last night but they were past the stage that they would remember it in the morning, so I thought I would just tell them later.'
'I'm so excited to be moving into our own place again arthur, I've missed it so much'
'So have I, I can't wait' I replied.
We reached aau and Morven got out of the lift.
I really couldn't wait to live with her again. It was too much when I was ill and it took so long to recover but I'm so ready and I can't wait.
I walked out of the lift and over to the nurses station. 'Hey Sasha, I thought I would come in early and get my presentation perfected if that's alright with you.'
'Yeah sure that's fine. You can use my office if you like, it might be a bit quieter'
'Oh yeah thanks Sasha'
I needed to power through today and finish. I had to.

I know that this part isn't up to scratch but I thought Arthur should have a POV too. Dofty and Zollie scenes await :)
L x

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