❁ A Visit From Jungkook

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It is fine now. You don't need to think about him or her anymore. They aren't a big part of your life anymore. You're single and free as you could ever be. No more Jimin...no more Sunmi...

Okay, well, this is hard. Running downstairs to the kitchen, you open the freezer, grabbing a tub of ice cream and a spoon out of a drawer. You head to the living room and sit down on your couch watching some sort of anime. Just...forget about them. They ar--

Ding Dong

You place down your ice cream and walk to your front door. Who could it be? Your parents? Jimin? Sunhee? The Mail--

Ding Dong

"Hold on!" You sigh and open the door. Thunder is heard and lightning strikes. It's raining? What's with the sudden weather change? You shake your head and look at the person. It's-- "Jungkook?" You look at the boy, one of Jimin's friends. You guys used to pick on each other all the time. Ever since you got together with Jimin you've only been hanging out with him, no one else really. "What are you...doing here?" You ask. "Look, I'm soaked, can I come in?" He asks. "Sheesh, okay." You let him in, closing the door behind. "Why..uh...why are you here? Here out of all other places you could be?" You ask him. "Have you seen the weather outside? Your place is the closest so I'm just stopping by until the weather simmers down." He tells you.

You quietly groan. "You can stay the night. I doubt it'll stop any time soon." You hang his drenched coat and point to the spot where he is supposed to put his shoes. "Are you sure?..." He asks. "Yeah, it's all good. My parents are on a business trip so it's just me. Oh, you should get a shower. I'll lend you J-...j-..." You can't say it. You can't say his name. "No need to lend me his clothes. I'm a good boy that has a pair of clean clothes in his backpack." He smiles and pats his soaked backpack. "They might be a bit wet so I'll dry them while you're in the shower." You tell him. He nods and gives you his backpack. You show him to one of the bathrooms that have a shower and let him take over from there.

Going downstairs to the laundry room, you open his backpack. A few papers are a bit wet, but nothing severely damaged. When grabbing his damp clothes, you see an envelope with your name written on it. You being a curious George, take it and place it somewhere while you put his clothes in the dryer. I mean, if I had your name on it, it's yours, isn't it? You're the only Y/n in your school. Why does Jungkook have it? Is he supposed to give it to you? Is it from him? Does-- the dryer beeps, interrupting your questions. You sigh and take out the clothes. You hear the shower stop soon after so you make your way upstairs. 

You knock on the door. "Jungkook, your clothes--" He opens the door and BAM! Your eyes have been blessed by his bare torso. Although he has a towel wrapped around his waist, you avert your eyes and give him the clothes. "Thank you, Y/n." He bows and gently closes the door. He's being really polite. Does he know that you broke up with Jimin? Is that why he's taking it easy on you? Maybe the letter is from Jimin. Maybe he told Jungkook to give it to you. It could be possible. You shake your head and head downstairs to make some ramen. As you put the ramen in the boiling water, you vision Jungkook's well-built torso again. "Shit!" You burn yourself due to being distracted. Realizing that you just thought about Jungkook's toned abs made your face hot red. "Shit..." 

"You okay?" His voice comes from behind. "Ah-- Yeah. Just got a little burn, that's all!" You reply and stir the ramen around. "I can take over if you want. It's the least I could do since you let me stay over." He told you. "That's very sweet of you bu--" "No no, let me. You go relax." He gently holds your wrist. You realize your blush is coming back so you reply with, "O-okay. Thank you." He gives you an angelic smile and lets go of your wrist. You quickly go into the living room.

No Y/n! This is no good! You just broke up with Jimin. You don't need more boy trouble! It's obvious that your feelings for Jungkook grew. A LOT. He probably doesn't even like you. He's only acting nice because you broke up with Jimin. 


That reminds you of something. The letter with your name on it. You rush to the laundry room and grab the letter. You have to ask Jungkook. 

"JungkoOk!" You rush into the kitchen. "Yes, Y/n?" He asks, eyes not leaving the pot of ramen. "I uh...well...whenever I was getting your clothes...I found this...it has my name on it so I was wondering if it's for me?..." You ask. "It's from Jimin hyung. It's...y'know...about the break up between you two. Please read it." He tells you. You scoff. "Fine..." You open it, not caring if you rip it.

Hey, Y/n.

I uh...I'm a loser for not being able to tell you this in person.

But uh...I just need to get this off my chest.

Please don't hate me.

I like you. A lot.

- Jungkook

Your eyes widen and you look up at Jungkook. He bites his lip and avoids eye contact. "I was planning on giving it to you today but your break up made me decide to do it some other time...but since you saw--" You couldn't handle it. Your heart would explode if you didn't. You put your hand behind his neck and leaned him closer to you, attaching your lips to his soft ones. He was shocked but didn't want this moment go to waste. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull your bodies closer. Due to lack of breath, you two broke the kiss. "Y/n-- I..." "It's okay. I think my feelings for you may be the same...I just need some time. Today has been...crazy." You chuckle and peck his forehead. He nods and gives you a quick hug. 

"I really like you Y/n. I hope you'll be mine soon." 

Jeon Jungkook Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon