xxiii. his clouds

Start from the beginning

It didn't take long. Pike came back, looking for Octavia, and figuring out he took the bait, Riley had heard a crash in the room. From the little she could see, the two guards he left behind to watch the prisoners were 'passed out' on the ground. She bit her lower lip, grinning, when seeing him storm out. When she saw Abby coming down the hall the way Pike came, she motioned for Miller to follow her, signalling that Octavia was giving them the clear.

As Miller checked on Bryan, she stepped into the room, smiling when she saw the three being cut out of their bounds. Octavia seemed proud, picking up two guns up off the bed and tossing one over to Miller and the other to Riley. She still wasn't used to using weapons, but it was better to be caught with a weapon than without one. The blonde caught it, clutching the weapon in one hand when her walkie-talkie went off in the other.

"Come in, come in now." Riley recognized it to be Harper, and she sounded urget.

Octavia turned her head, facing her, confused. "This wasn't the plan," she said, quiet. "We used their frequencies so they could hear us. What is it?"

Unsure, Riley lifted the walkie-talkie and pressed the button. "Go ahead," she whispered into the speaker, assuring Harper they were listening.

"Stay where you are," Harper replied firmly but quiet. "Repeat, stay where you are. The exit is not clear."

Sighing, Riley looked over to Octavia, defeated. They couldn't follow through with the original plan. "How many guards are there?" She asked, assuming there was the possibility that they could fight their way out before Pike found them.

"Too many," Harper hissed into the radio. "I said to stay put."

Dropping the walkie-talkie, Riley looked towards the opening of the door. They couldn't fight their way out, and they definitely couldn't stay put. Pike would be back any second, or any of the guards. She realized that they were trapped, with no options this time. "What are we going to do?" Riley questioned, whirling back around. She didn't receive an answer. They either looked frightened or as lost as she was.

Suddenly, Riley's walkie-talkie went off again. "Calling all guards!" She raised it, listening closely, and her eyes widened when identifying the voice as Monty's. "The prisoners are headed for the main gate. The prisoners are headed for the main gate! Over!"

Breathing a large sigh of relief, Riley grinned. She knew he would understand what side was right. "Was that Monty?" Octavia asked, just as grateful.

Riley nodded back, clipping her walkie-talkie to her vest again. "It was. He's with us after all." She cocked her gun, gripping it tightly in her hands. "We have to move, they'll find out no one's at the main gate soon."

Knowing that they did have to move, the group of traitors left the room, and followed to where they knew Harper was. She was hiding in a hatch, that led to the outside close to the woods, where they'd manage to make their escape. Because of Monty's lie, the halls were clear of any guards. So when they arrived, Harper was prepared, with the latch door open.

They began loading their supplies into the hatch when the speaker over Arkadia made a voice echo. "Attention all citizens. Emergency lockdown is in effect, return to your quarters immediately."

Riley picked a black bag up, tossing it to Miller. She could hear Kane telling them to move as she lifted one leg, stepping inside the passageway as Kane and Abby said their goodbyes. She was tossing a bag over her shoulder, gun being balanced cautiously in her free hand, when there was another sudden announcement coming from Octavia's walkie-talkie that made her pick her head up in surprise. Riley knew that Pike would set the camp into lockdown to investigate each room, but this was different.

"I have a message for the traitors of this camp." A feeling of hate settled into Riley's chest and her expression twisted into loathing. "There will be an execution today. Either turn yourselves in or the other grounders prisoners will die in your place."

Riley felt her jaw slack and suddenly outraged. She turned around, seeing Lincoln turning around and heading off the way they came. Octavia protested desperately, reaching out for him and trying to stop him. "I can't let them die for me," Lincoln argued, his voice breaking.

Sadly, Riley put her hand on the opening and peered forward. "Lincoln, Octavia's right. I.. I know how you feel." She did, the feeling of being unable to save your people was unbearable, but sometimes, it was for the greater good. "But they're going to be searching this part of the station soon, and we need to go."

"You should," Lincoln replied, nodding.

"Fine," Octavia caved, determined. "I'm coming with you. Oso throu daun ogeda." (We fight together.)

Riley watched as Lincoln raised his hands, gently cupping Octavia's face. She could see the fondness written all over his face as he spoke to her. "I love you." Before she could respond, he leaned down and kissed her. What Riley couldn't see was Lincoln's hand reaching for the reaper stick in Octavia's side bag, before it was plunged into her neck to sedate her.

"No!" Octavia whispered, before her eyes fell shut and she fell unconscious, into Lincoln's arms, who lifted the weightless girl. Riley looked at him, despaired, but knowing he wasn't leaving the camp with them. Not if he could save his people.

Lifting Octavia, Lincoln passed her to Kane who asked what he was doing. He grasped her hand when she was rested in Kane's arms, holding her tightly. "Same thing you'd do for your people," he replied, simple. "Just get her out of here."

Blue, Riley lowered her head. Kane said his final words to Lincoln as she walked away, following the others who were waiting to leave. "Ste yuj." (Stay strong.)

It was when they were out of Arkadia, passing through the trees and nearing the woods, did Octavia finally wake up from the horse she was laying on. There was a heavy tense silence in the air, as if everyone knew what was bound to happen.

Riley was fighting back tears, holding her gun to her side, when hearing Octavia gasp for breath, whispering Lincoln's name as she climbed off the horse. She came to a halt, turning her head when seeing Octavia crawl through the mud, to weak to rise for now.

Soon, Octavia rose to her feet, hiding behind a bush. Kane followed her, grabbing her arm, and telling her not to watch. Riley couldn't see yet, but she wasn't stupid. She didn't have to see it, and she knew she didn't want to.

A gunshot rang in the air, making Riley flinch. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she stayed quiet. It didn't take a genius to know what happened to Lincoln. The small tears finally streamed down her cheeks, making her distressed. But she finally turned away, her blonde hair flying back behind her. Riley pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, sick with grief from the loss of a good person and friend.

𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠︱monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now