chapter 14

91 4 0

4 years later

* edited *

" Okay guys I'll see you guys next time byeeeee and also stay fabulous !." I said into the camera. you see its been four years since I last seen Nathan and talked we didn't really communicate really and I guess he forgot about me and stuff and yea it was hard because I had a crush in him and what usually happens to crushes is that they usually get crushed so yea. and I also heard that they broke up which is really sad and I guess they needed breaks so yea. but oh well.

So now I live in California with my best friend ash and stuff we moved together and I really needed some change around my atmosphere because my parents me to nagging on to make  m  go to college or a university and I didn't really want to go in one at all because I'm still young and wild like for reals I'm barely seventeen an I'm Turing eighteen in July so I'm still young.

"eeeeppppp." screamed ash . " What!??" " I asked tuning towards the sound of the voice. " Matthew is coming!" I aware Matthew needs to marry her sooner or later. " Coolio!" I said going back upstairs in my room. " he is also bringing Carter ." she said. I stopped in my tracks and turbines around. you see Matthew joined this group in magcon so yea and I'm good friends with them, and like Carter is like my nest friend besides ash and Matthew. " YAAAASSSS !!!!!" I screamed doing my happy dance.


We were watching frozen because who doesn't love frozen ? but soon it was destroyed by the door bell ringing. " not it ." I heard ash say. " whatever. " I said getting up and looking at the peep hole.  I see three bodies. " ash get a phone ready and give me a pan alright. " I said whispering it to her. she didn't hesitate to get what I needed. " hey ba" BANG ! I hit them with a pan. " gurl you skilled with a pan I'll never get near you with a pan." said a familiar voice. " Carter ?" " yaaaassss who else do who else do you think it is. " he said. " then who did I hit." " Um cal?" " Calum ????" " yea that'd his name. " sa " said Matthew. " help me get him inside." I said " sure." They said and dragged him on the sofa. " he's going to be mad at you." said Matthew.

" oh shut up you dick ." I said.


" where am I am I in heaven ?" " no babe your here in  earth. " I said. " no Bianca they got you to if not then your some angel with blue hair. " he said. well so see I dyed hair blue because I was tried of my brown hair so yea and also I've been dating Calum for about a year.

Well I'm guessing that he came out of his senses . " aww Bianca I missed you !" he said as he grabbed me in to a tight hug. " let go of me Calum. I can't breathe !!!!!" I said. " no I love you too much !!!!" " I love you to but let go of me !" he let go of me and faced me to him. " you just said I love you. " " well I love you." I said truthfully  . those three words haven't come out of my mouth since ninth grade.


" okay so what are you guys doing here I know Carter and Matthew were supposed to be here but Calum ?" " I came to surprise you and also I have a concert later on so yea I was hoping that you can come Bianca. " " well here goes are plans ." says Carter. " well sorry." I said. " can they come ?" " sure why not ." he said. " Yaaaaaasss ." " what time do we have to be there?" " about an hour. " " well I have to get ready." I said getting up from the chair. " you look beautiful like that Bianca. " I heard Calum say. I looked down at what I was wearing which was some nasty old sweats and and old shirt that I had in high school that had holes in it and my messy dark blue hair. " thanks babe." I screamed. I heard  few chuckles.


right now I am straightening my hair. I didn't really want to curl it because it's to much work and plus I have that thick Italian hair and I have a bunch of it so it won't really last that long when it's curled so yea. " and done." I looked down at what I was wearing which was a bunch of Carter's merch and some of my black shoes nothing big and fancy and with a finished finishing touch of a flower crown 'cuz come on who doesn't love a flower crown ?

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