chapter 30

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Two long years later I am still the same
Sorry pals life's tough.

Bianca's point of view

'Hey mom i'm just letting you know that i'm on my way to the house like an hour away? just letting you'

The fact that my mother dislikes surprise is hilarious. Makes the whole situations funny. Anyways I haven't heard from Nathan or Harrison no call, text, or tweet. Which is strange because there both always so attached to there phones. I understand why Harrison isn't talking but Nathan? Shouldn't he be blowing up my phone asking question? Wondering how he can help Harrison?

Either way I want to help Harrison. Just loosing someone so important like that in your life should be difficult. It's probably not the same as loosing a fish, but I'm one hundred percent sure I can at least help the kid out. As cliche as it sounds in willing to break his wall so he can be that happy kid I once knew.

Nathan's point of view

A few weeks past since the funeral and Harrison hasn't moved a muscle. He still have no desire to eat nor speak to me. I'm curious about what going on in his head. What are id thoughts and if he's okay. Just the thought is frustrating, I want to help him but I can't reach him.


"Hey how's he doing?"

I sighed knowing this was a hard questions to answer. I never really master the question since what happened to his mother. It's always the same with people they call to ask if he is okay or  how he'd holding up.

"I honestly don't know anymore Bianca it's hard... He's been so moody I don't even know where to begin it's like he has a war-zone in his head you know?" I sat down on the sofa knowing I was going to be on the phone for hours with her.

"Maybe I should go over there." She said sounding worried. "No you stay with you family and have quality time alright that's the whole point why your over there. Okay? Okay. Glad we understand."

"Excuse me are you my father? Last time I checked I don't have one. Nor do I call you dad do calm down" she said jokingly .

"Ew not I'm not that old jeez."

"Well you sound like it you old man."

"I'm not that old."

"Yeah you are you're like 1673839272692 year old."

"Ha so doesn't that make me immortal orrr?"

"No, no not really you could be a witch you know or some evil demon like Crowley from supernatural."


"Or you could be.... No never mind Sam is too hot."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"Nothing Sykes anyways... How are you holding up?"

"Me? Well I'm fine I just been worried about Harrison to the point where I haven't had enough time to think about myself that." I said getting up and looking for the nearest crisps.

"Hmm I see your point. Maybe I'll just go over there and chill with you, you know?"

"No. That's a definite no."

"Why?" She said as she extended the 'y'.

"Because you're really annoying and I don't want you here duh I thought you would have put the piece together." I said with a slight grin pulling at the corners of my lips.
"Wow you're nice to think I was a fan of you when you were in a band. Jeez sad and depressing times when I look back."  "What's that supposed to mean?" "You're a douche bag and your what like 2500 years old then. Imagine when you were 19 to 18 ish whoa like ew I bet you were a rat to everyone."
I stopped eating knowing what she was saying. "Hahaha very funny.... And no I was a very sweet bo-man when I was in those years so HA!"

"Stop lying and accept your ratty-ness" I could only imagine her simile as those words came out.

"What ratty-ness the only rat I know is you." I continued to talk to Bianca for a while, until she had to leave to go do something. So I was left my my thoughts and my constant working over Harrison.

As the hours passed I came to a realization that I need a plan of action with Harrison. Who was going to take care of him? I know for a fact hat he doesn't have any relatives here, and he's way to young to live by himself. I refuse to send him to a foster home or anything like that.

There's only one option.

Authors note

I'd like to formally apologize for my absence. I believe the last time I ever touched the creation of mine was in the sophomore year of high school. Now I'm 16/17 weeks away from graduating. Spooky right?
It wasn't my intention to leave this creation it's just the past twoish years have been depressing. I'll spare you the details.

My goal is to publish one chapter every two weeks? 😬

If you're still reading this, you're awesome and thank you for your endless support

Kind regards bianca

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