Chapter 17

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Deans. P.o.v
I heard Y/N scream and I ran into the room she was in. I kicked open the door to find her laying on the ground with a chunk of metal stuck in her chest. "Baby What did you do?" I asked pushing pressure on her wound, tears started falling from my eyes and landing on her face. "Sammy! Cas!" I screamed. "Say wake Y/N I love you." I said the her eyes slowly closed and her breathing stopped. I felt her neck for a pulse and it was gone. Sam and Cas ran into the room and I looked up at them and shook my head and grab Y/N and pulled her into my arms, hugging her. "Sammy she killed herself to save us." I cried harder after I realized what happened. I felt sam's hand on my shoulder. "Dean we will find a way to bring her back, I promise but right now we need to clean her up and make sure she stays cold." I nodded and walked away to get a drink. Cas followed me, "Dean I'm so sorry. But I have some things to do in heaven I will be back." And left. "Damn you!" I yelled throwing a full bottle of whiskey at the wall. When I went back into the room Y/N laid on her bed and Sam was siting beside her. "Dean I don't know what to say but I'm sorry." Sammy stood up and wrapped his arm around me. Then left me alone with her.

Hours pass and I just sat there but decided to get up and help Sammy. "Have you found anything?" I asked Sam pouring myself a well needed drink. "Not yet, where's Cas?"
"He left, something to do with heaven." I sat down still pissed that he left when I needed him most. I needed her back beside me but I knew that right now is not the time to be thinking about that. I need to research anything that might help.

I looked over that the clock 4:30am and I groaned. Sam went to bed hours ago saying he will do more in the morning and that I should try and get some sleep. But I couldn't sleep. I sat and prayed to Cas hoping he would show but he didn't. I sat there drinking more whiskey and kept praying. "Hello dean." Cas' voice rang through my head giving me a headache. "Dude What the fuck, you can't just leave when I need you! Y/N is gone!" Tears rolled down my face once more. "Dean I'm sorry but I talked to Y/N, she is in heavens I explained what happened and told her she had a choice to stay there or come back. She told me she would call when she made the choice." I looked up at him " what's her heaven?" I asked "she is living with you and your daughter Megan, you have a house with a big yard and you work as a mechanic in town. You both don't hunt anymore. You are both happily married. She is happy there dean. I can't promise she will come back." I sighed scared this may happen. "How long does she have to make a choice?"
"In her time she has 3 days but here it is about 10 hours. Dean get some rest I'll wake you when I find out." I listen to Cas knowing he is right. There is nothing I can do now but wait. I headed to my room stopping at Y/N and sat beside her lifeless body. 

"Y/N I know you are in a happy place right now and I don't want to take that away from you. But I want you to know that I love you and miss you like crazy. I'm sorry you had to do this for me. When I find that son of a bitch Derek I'm going to kill him slowly. I hope me up there is taking really good care of you. I love you baby." I said kissing her lips before heading to bed.

Your p.o.v
You tossed and turned all night. The voice in your head kept getting louder and you didn't know why but it sounded like dean. You knew you had to make a choice on staying with them or leaving to go back to real dean and hinting again. You were torn between two things but after years real Deans voice you made up your mind and kissed sleeping Dean on the fore head and went into your daughters room where she was sound asleep as well. You kissed her as well and headed to the living room and prayed for Cas.

"Cas I'm ready to come back I don't want to stay here, this isn't but what I have with Dean on earth is. I'm not ready to die yet. Please bring me back." You cried falling to your knees. "Are you sure you want to leave" Cas said standing behind you. "Yes" that's all you remember.

You woke up taking in a bunch of air like you haven't took a breath in years. You laid there wondering what happened to you. Until dean came running into your room and grabbed you, pulled you into his chest. "Baby your okay, I've missed you." He said between breaths. "What happened? I don't remember anything from since we went to Austin for a hunt everything else is black." You spoke slowly trying to remember. "You got in a fight with a demon and got badly hurt, Cas healed you but he said with everything you needed to rest." You looked around getting little bit of memories from heaven. " I have the most amazing dream. Me and you were married and had a daughter named Megan. We had a house and we were hunting anymore. It was the apple pie life you have always wanted." You said looking at you hands realizing that may never happen. "Hey, I promise you one day we will have that life but right now we have to save people and hunt things, okay. Please don't be sad. I love you." He says and leans down and kisses your lips softly. He pulls away, "now go have a shower and I'll make you some food you must be starved." He smiles and walks away.
You stood up a little wobbly from loosing so much blood. You headed for the shower when Cas appeared. "Y/N do you remember anything?" He states moving closer. "I.... I remember everything from the spell to heaven." You looked at him and he shook his head. "You weren't suppose to remember any of it... I'm sorry Y/N" he sighed and vanished once again. You hopped in the shower and decided to keep telling dean it was a dream.

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