Chapter 13

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Slowly making your way to the bunker, you stayed quiet on your feet. You snuck around the back and went through the garage, pulling out the pocket knife you slowly cut holes in the tires of all the cars in the garage even baby. Next, you moved into the bunker watching everything around you, you could hear you pulse quicken then closer you got to Sam's room. But you weren't going for Sam first, Dean was first on your hit list. When you saw Dean's room you walked in and stood over his bed, smirking to yourself you walked over and rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey Dean, wake up." You whispered in his ear and watched him slowly open his eyes and turn over. "Babe? Your back?" He questioned then hugged you hard. " I got out of that nasty place and I ran back here, I didn't have a phone so I couldn't call you. Dean, I was so scared." You admitted and faked cry. "It's okay," he said then planted a kiss on your forehead. "I'm going to get you some water okay, I'll be right back." Dean smiles and walked out of the room. You sat there waiting to hope this will work. The thoughts of killing dean got stronger and stronger the more you waited for him. You started to wonder what was going on out there. Looking across the hall you say your old room, and walked over. Looking at your old stuff made you smile when you heard Sam "Dude there is no way she is fine, you know that. Cas even said that he has this spell on her and she wants to kill us."
"I don't know, I mean she seems fine, and I miss her like crazy. Maybe we stepped too far into this and maybe Cas is wrong. It's happened before." You moved closer to the wall beside the door. "Dean, you have to clear your head! She wants to kill us. Stick with the plan and everything will be fine." You heard one of them walking toward you and you stopped breathing. Dean walked back into his bedroom and yelled " son of a bitch!" And stormed out. "Dude she is gone. Maybe you were right" smirking you hid under the bed and waited for the right moment.

Deans p.o.v

Leaving Y/N in the bedroom, I headed towards Sam. "Dude she is here, her plan is different then we thought. She is playing the good her card." Sam looked up from his computer and nodded "I have a plan go along with me." I nodded and we started walking back to the bedroom, we stopped just down the hall making sure she could hear us. "Dude there is no way she is fine, you know that. Cas even said that he has this spell on her and she wants to kill us."
"I don't know, I mean she seems fine, and I miss her like crazy. Maybe we stepped too far into this and maybe Cas is wrong. It's happened before." I said smirking at Sammy "Dean, you have to clear your head! She wants to kill us. Stick with the plan and everything will be fine." I nodded and walked back to the bedroom and she was gone. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled actually pissed off, I stormed out and ran down the hall pulling out my pistol on the way down the hall. "Dude she is gone. She isn't in my room anymore." I said running my hands through my hair. "How could I be so stupid," I yelled and punched the wall. "Dean we will find her and fix her, she can't be far, she doesn't really know the bunker too well," Sammy said patting my back trying to calm me. He knew I wanted to freak out but I kept my cool and went looking for Y/N.

Your p.o.v

You stayed hidden for most of the night and day, moving room to room. Watching Dean and Sam look around for you, with guns out and demon blade out. Finally, things started quieting down as they sat at the table in the library drinking whiskey. Sam got up and said, " going to take a leak" and walked out leaving Dean alone and leaving you time to attack. Quietly you snuck up behind Dean and before you could stab him and turn around in one whole moment and knocked the knife out of your hand and pinned you to the wall. You tried fighting back as much as you could but then finally you got a little leverage and head-butted him. He fell back, "Dean I've missed you." You said kicking him in the side but Dean fought back and punch you in the face. "Y/N this isn't you think about what you are doing. You love me. Don't do this." He said moving around the room. "Dean I never loved you." You said with a chuckle " you think I would fall for a guy like you, I hate guys like you. And well you did leave me high and dry back in Huntsville." You yelled punching him in the face. You realized his whole posture changed and he looked more upset than angry, he was letting you hit him. You punch over and over and over again until Dean was laying on the floor full of blood, his beautiful greens eyes he dulls and you could barely see them. His lips we black and purple with a hint of red. All of a sudden you felt a sharp pain in your neck and everything went black.

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