Chapter 8

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Getting back to the motel you cursed yourself for saying yes. You didn't want Dean back in your life. Maybe the company would be nice. "Did you do all this yourself?" Sam asked you looking at your notebooks and papers laying around. "Yes, I got pretty obsessed with hunting." You said grabbing your laptop to start your research. It was quiet in the motel room, which you liked, even though the awkwardness was in the air. "What did the police say?" Sam finally said breaking the silence. "He said they were attacked by an animal, which is very unlikely but they don't know what we do." You said smiling, looking over at Dean. He was nose deep into a dusty book, just because you all thought it was a werewolf didn't mean it was actually one. you wanted to make sure. 

After a couple hours of researching, you all agreed that it was, in fact, a werewolf so you made a plan. you looked over at Dean realizing that all the victims were similar to Dean. "hey, I have a plan." you said getting the attention of the two boys. "Why don't we put Dean as bait, all the victims were similar looking to you, we might have a better chance of killing it if you can get him back to the motel room," you said with a smile knowing what Dean was going to say back. "I'm not bait! im never bait. and im deffinently not whoring myself out to a freaking werewolf!" you knew Dean would be mad but it was the only plan you had. "Hey, my case my rules. and Dean you whore yourself out to females just think that he is a female, you should be fine." You said with a smile because you know your sass would annoy him. "Fine.." Dean said in defeat and walked to get changed. you and Sam stayed back at the motel room getting ready for the kill. once Dean left, you sat down on the bed waiting for the right time. Dean said he would honk the horn on his car before coming in so we knew it was him. you were going over all the plans over your head again when Sam broke your concentration. "Y/N you know Dean really likes you right." you looked up confused on where this was coming from. "I mean he has never given someone his actual phone number or let them have his necklace." You froze at the words realizing you were still wearing Deans necklace under your shirt. "How do you know about the necklace?" you asked now playing with it. " I noticed it was missing right after we met you in Huntsville. I put two and two together after asking Dean. He gave me a stupid excuse that the vamps took it from him. But I know my brother too well to know that he would just leave it there. I gave him that when we were young. Our dad was out on another hunt and Dean and I was stuck in a crappy motel room for Christmas. I was going to give it to my dad but when he didn't come home I decided to give it to Dean. He has never taken it off since." Sam explained you felt horrible for even taking it. slowly you took it off your neck and handed it to Sam. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it that was important to him." Looking down at your feet Sam smiled and pushed your hand away. "Dean gave it to you for a reason. I'm not mad that he gave it to you. I was just telling you that Dean has really deep feelings for you and that you should give him a chance. he can be rough on the outside but he is a big softy on the inside." Sam smiled. then you heard a honk from the Impala. 

You and Sam started getting ready, loading your guns and hiding in random places. If your plan works out good no one would get hurt but the werewolf. You were hiding behind the bed when the door, you could see his shadow and someone else's. You stood up with your gun in your hand loaded with silver bullets and aimed at the young man. he looked at you and with a quick eye flick, you were against the wall being pinned from someone invisible. You looked over at Sam who was now realizing that it was not a werewolf jumped out and start fighting with the thing. you had no idea what it was but you realized Dean was just standing there doing nothing. "Dean help me!" you screamed hoping he would listen. he turned and looked at you. it was weird because his eyes seem to change colour for a split second. Dean walked over to you and kissed the sweet part of your neck and whispered. "Y/N I should have never let you go last year. you're so amazing." he smiled but it wasn't his normal smile. "Dean please.." you begged but he kept rubbing your breasts and kissing your neck and moving down. you tried fighting him off but you couldn't. "Let her go!" Sam yelled shooting him in the chest. Finally, the hold on you was gone and you fell to the floor. Sam rushed over to help you up. "Y/N that wasn't Dean. that was a shapeshifter and the other thing was a demon. things are a lot more complicated now than before." you looked up at sam realizing you were crying and sam sat with you until you calmed down. "We need to go find Dean, normally shifters keep them in the sewers so we will look there first. the Demon got away but the shifter is dead. we got to get moving." you nodded and got up and grabbed your gun and headed out the door. the Impala was there guess they stole that too and drive for a little way until Sam stopped and got out. there was a manhole just beside the car. Sam walked over looking around before he opened it and climbed down. you followed not being too happy you had to go down there.   

After about 20 minutes of looking around the sewer, you found Dean tied to a pole. He was knocked out cold. "DEAN!" you yelled running up to know trying to untie him. you finally got him untie as Sam was coming around the corner. "good, you found him. we have to get out of here. the demon followed us down here." Sam said rushing you and Dean down the sewer system. When you reached the Impala Dean was starting to wake up. "Dean, how are you feeling?"You asked sitting down by the Impala. "So much for the werewolf." He smirked and stood up on his own. 

When you got back to your motel, Sam said he was going to get some dinner. Dean and you sat in the car in silence, you knew this was going to be the last time you will see Dean. "I know what I said before... but do you think its a good idea? I mean, it's nice to not be on my own all the time. you and Sam are really fun to be around." You realized you were rambling on so you stopped. "Y/N I'm sorry for walking away from you a year ago, I didn't want you to get in the life of hunting but I guess that already happened. I really like you, I want you to come with Sam and me back to the bunker. Sam would really enjoy you being there and it would be a lot of help. So what do you think?" Dean's eyes seemed to almost twinkle in the moonlight. you could help but smile and you moved closer "I would love that." you leaned in closer, you could feel his hot minty breath on your face then he filled the gap with his lips. he licked your bottom lip requesting to let him inside. you accepted his request letting him in. fighting for dominance in your mouth you finally let him win. then he pulled away and wrapped his arm around you. Everything was perfect.  

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