Chapter 11

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You woke up in a dusty room, you looked around the room not knowing where you are. try to stand up you realized you were tied to an old wooden chair, and looking a bit harder you saw sigils all around the room, warding off angels, demons and everything else you could think of, Derek is a hunter? You thought as you try to break free from the chair. No luck... Damn. the door opens in front of you and Derek walks in holding a glass of water. "Good morning hun, how are we doing today?" Derek asks with a smirk on his face. Walking over to you he grabbed your face and forced the water into your mouth, you choked but let it go down, soothing your dry throat. "Why am I here?" You spat, glaring up at Derek. "Y/N I need you to do something for me but it's going to take some time. Luckily half of the training is done." he smiles and smoothens your hair down. "Training? What training?" moving your head away with every touch he tries. "Hun, I want you to hunt Sam and Dean Winchester then we can be together." He laughed and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. Staring at the door you tried to find anyway out of this mess but there was no use, sitting there you wished you would have told Sam or Dean your story from before, maybe they would ha e more of an idea who had you and why. But deep down you knew they would find you before he made you hunt them. But then you thought wait, if he is going to let me free to hunt Sam and Dean I'll just run away and find them and tell them what's going on. It was a brilliant idea. You decided that you would go along with Derek's little plan somewhat.

You sat there waiting for days even months waiting for Derek to do something. Every day he would come in with food and water, he would even untie you every day to let you use the washroom. You started getting in the habit of sitting there waiting for Derek everyday. But one day it was different Derek came in pretty early in the day with a box of hair dye and some other things. "Today is a good day hun," he said with a smirk setting everything up. "My plan is starting to come together and soon we will be together but first we need to do some changes. What do you think about black?" He pointed at the hair dye, rolling your eyes you knew you had no other choice then to agree with him so you nodded. And he got started dying your Y/H/C black. After about 30 minutes he washed it out and started straightening. Then cut the dead ends off and cut your bangs straight a-crossed your face just above your eyes. You hated that look but once again you had no choice in the matter. Once he was finished cleaning up he left you with makeup and contact lenses. "Go do your makeup and put these in then come meet me in the kitchen." He said walking away. It felt nice to stand up and do something on your own. You were starting to earn his trust just what you wanted. You headed to the bathroom and started putting on your usual makeup then putt he contacts in, they were bright blue, which were nice but not you. Looking in the mirror you looked at someone completely different then before you normal hair was gone and you lost a lot of weight. Looking down at your baggy clothes you hoped he got you new ones as well. Heading out to the kitchen you were met by Derek and a women, probably the same on he was talking to earlier. "Wow! You look amazing Y/N." Derek smiled and wrapped his arm around you. The women sat there quietly then stood up and gather some ingredients for a spell it looked like. "What's this?" You asked being nosy. "For you to hunt Sam and Dean we need to put you under a spell so you don't just go running to them. The spell will not wear off until you have killed them. Let's get started." The women said starting to put things in her bowl in front of her. Once all the ingredients were ready she walked over and cut your arm to get fresh blood then added blood from Sam and Dean. "How did you get that!" You snapped but no one listened they just kept going. Soon she was chanting some words in Greek. Everything around you started spinning and you started to feel sick. Then everything stopped. And soon all you thought about was killing Sam and Dean.

Deans p.o.v

It's been months and we still haven't found Y/N. Cas said he had looked over the whole earth and can't seem to find her. He thinks a hunter has her locked up with wardings around her. Crowley can't find her, no demon can sense her. And Bobby or any other hunter haven't seen or heard about her. Who ever has her is good but not good enough. I will find her.

Taking another shot of whiskey I decided to head to bed before I get too drunk like every other night. Walking to my room I have to pass by Y/N room every time so most of the time I sleep in the spare room down the hall. I wish I told her I loved her when I had the chance. But that wouldn't change anything, she should have came with us instead. How am I going to handle if we find her dead. Tonight I walked into her room for the first time since she has been gone. Looking around I noticed a small purple book tucked under her pillow, it must be her journal. I grabbed it a opened it reading through pages and pages. Then I saw it, Derek. That name seemed very familiar, heading to the library where Sam, Cas and Crowley were I yelled "I think I found something. Now this is going to be odd but I found Y/N journal and I found someone named Derek, does that ring a bell to anyone?"
"Uh no I don't think so," Sam said looking at me with puzzled eyes. "Dude! Is the guy that was suppose to call us about Y/N, the owner kid." We need to go back there and talk to the mother again." I said sitting down beside Sam and looking around at all the puzzled faces. "Does it say anything else about this Derek guy?" Crowley asks, taking a sip of whiskey. "Yes,"

Today I went out with Derek. Everything seemed fine, normal date night. Until he snapped and pinned me to the wall. His hands were so tight around my neck I could hardly breathe. I tried fighting back but there was nothing, I could barely move a muscle. Every thought of my parents came back from when they use to do this to me. I was so scared. I leaving tomorrow and never coming back to the awful town.

Dean looked up at everyone. "That's why she was acting so weird that we got a job is Austin." Sam started typing on his laptop pulling up Derek's criminal record. Sure enough he was accused of beating multiple women but never went to jail. I ran out the room grabbing my bag in the process and headed for the Impala Sam quickly on my heals. Y/N don't worry we are coming for you. I thought while slamming the car door and backing out of the garage.

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