All of us made our way to the giant living room and the boys set up the game while Hailey and I bought the snacks.

We divided teams with me and Hailey against the testosterone filled humans because they think video games aren't meant for girls. We are gonna be doing some serious butt kicking. The first match was between Hailey and Alex.

"You are so going down Alexander McQueen," Hailey exclaimed.

"We'll see Miss Gray. I bet I can defeat you," Alex challenged.

They started playing and Alex was ahead of Hailey but in the middle of the race he crashed and slowed down which gave my teammate a boost and led her to take a lead in the race. Alex tried his very best to beat Hailey but at the end, my new friend won.

"Woohoo! You're a sore loser Alex," Hailey teased to which Alex grumbled under his breath. "Aw, smell that, yeah, that's defeat."

"Don't worry, bro. I'll even it out," Christopher smirked towards me. Oh boy, he did not just imply that I cannot win.

"I'll have you know I've had just as much practice as you, if not more. I'm well versed with this so you better watch out," I sassed to which Hailey chuckled and gave me a high five while Alex tried to hold in his laughter.

"Let's see if you're all talk or can you actually do as you say, shall we?" He challenged, he better not doubt my abilities. Cody always used to play these games with me, he has taught me quite a few things.

We started the game and nobody was in the lead. We kept overtaking each other and get ahead but it really wasn't working. I tried to use the skids Cody taught me but it failed.

Christopher then made the classic mistake of using the nitrogen boost earlier than required and I very much used this to my advantage. Just as we neared the finish line I used my nitrogen boost, overtook the cocky jerk and won the race. Ha, he had it coming towards him.

Hailey cheered loudly and Alex groaned. "Dude, you were supposed to even the score out, not make us lose," Alex whined.

"Okay girls, we clearly underestimated you. We're sorry, you do know how to play," Christopher sighed.

"Yeah. Well, if you would've actually listened to us you wouldn't have to lose, for us to prove you wrong," I swear I am never gonna lose my sass and sarcasm, my inability to keep my mouth shut will definitely get me in trouble some day.

Christopher actually laughed (and it was the most beautiful sound ever) and Alex playfully glared then lost his serious expression and chuckled.

I admit I am having a good time. I don't have to worry about the mission or study my area and get intel The Organisation never provided.

After a couple more jokes and playing around I decided it would be best for me to head home as it was 8 pm.

"Guys, I think I should head home. I've got a couple of errands I gotta run. I'll see you guys tomorrow," I announced.

I was about to leave when my arm was caught in a strong grip. I already know who is it, might as well turn around.

Christopher smiled at me and offered me a ride back home, I was tempted since I really didn't wanna spend all my money on cabs here cause they are freaking expensive! But I politely declined and assured him I can go by myself, but he wasn't having any of it.

"I wanna drop you off."

"Is that a question or an order?"

"It's a question if you say yes, and order if you say no."

I sighed, he really wasn't having any of it and did get what he wanted. Damn you, Christopher. If he wasn't that good looking I probably would've been able to convince him otherwise but I really don't think I tried hard enough. Eh, you can't blame me.

After a quick and final goodbye to my newfound friends, I followed Christopher to his extremely sexy car and sat down with a quick 'thank you' when he opened the door for me. I really didn't think rich guys portrayed chivalry anymore, guess I was wrong.


After a very comfortable and peaceful car ride, Christopher finally pulled up outside my apartment building.

"Thanks for the ride, Christopher."

"No problem, baby girl. Anything for you," he smirked. Oh God, was that really required Christopher?

"What's up with the nicknames? We just met today, if you don't remember," I questioned.

"I like calling you baby girl, baby girl...."

"And what about 'pretty girl'?"

"Well, it wouldn't be fair to me to not call a beautiful girl like yourself something which addresses your beauty."

"You're something else," I honestly told him.

"I know, it's what attracts you to me."

If he doesn't stop now I think I'll melt in his car seat. I am already red from blushing so much. I am trying to cover it as much as I can, thank the Lord it's dark outside.

"Whatever, see you tomorrow. Thanks again," I mumbled.

He suddenly leaned over the centre console and bought his face really close to mine. My hands are sweating so much, what is he doing? I can literally feel his breath on my face and if I just lean a couple of inches closer we'd be kissing. This is the closest I've been to a guy. He then tilted his head to the left and shifted his head toward the right side of my face and kissed my cheek. He is such a tease.

That was so unexpected.

I snap out of my sudden shock and mutter a quick 'bye' while scrambling out of his car and nearly sprinting into my apartment building. I can vaguely tell he is chuckling at my reaction to such an innocent and friendly gesture.

Ugh, I think I like him, just the tiniest bit.

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