Chapter 7

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Sorry that it took so long. Lots of family problems and NO AIR CONDITION WITH THE TEMPERATURE OVER 100 DEGREES! But I’m not complaining. This was a hard chapter to write. Please review, comment, vote, etc. I want to hear your feedback. And before I forget… I don’t own Naruto, but I do love him with all my heart! Enjoy!

Chapter 7

My heart stopped as the Kazekage told Kankuro to watch out for us. I felt dizzy and blue. Lilly seemed to have heard what they have said about us. We had no way out now. We were heading to jail for sure.

I got off of the bed and whispered into Lilly’s ears, “Deny everything that happened.  We can’t take any chances”.

Lilly frowned. “You’re telling me to lie?!” she pouted.

“It’s for a good cause”, I murmured.

“No cause is worth lying about”, she crossed her arms.

I was swelling up on the inside. Tears were ready to overflow, but I held them back. “Lilly, please… we have to if we want to stay together”, I whined, “If they discover that we were lying then we’re both in big trouble!” I thought of what I said to her then continued, “We could try to stay together, but if things get out of control... then just blame everything on me, okay?”

Lilly knew what she had to do even though she knew that she didn’t want to do it. “Okay”, she glowered. She knew that our choices were limited and I was glad that she knew that. If I sacrificed myself I wouldn’t miss anything and nobody would miss me, but if she sacrificed herself then she would lose a great opportunity and I would never forgive myself.

After a few seconds, the Kazekage entered the room and took the mask off. He gave me a prescription for more medication that I would have to ask the pharmacist about then he directed us into his office and sat back down behind his large desk.

“I never received any of your names”, the Kazekage admitted.

“My name is Dominique sir, and this is my sister Lilly”, I bowed.

His sight set on my sister. “Lilly, I was informed that you were going to start your studies in my village. I’m happy to have you”, he tried on a smile.

Lilly jumped. “Yes, I am. Thank you, sir. I’m happy to be here”.

His gaze slowly drifted on me. He narrowed his eyes. “Dominique, tell me why you are here”. It felt like he was challenging me. He intertwined his fingers and placed them on top of his mouth.

I felt pale for a second before I gained enough courage to replay to his demand. “I’m here to work sir and start a new life. I don’t want to be a beggar anymore. I want to have a real job and work hard for a living”, I said so loudly that I felt like I was screaming at him.

There was an awkward silence in the room for quite a long time. “That is fine with me”, he beamed, “After all, the Hokage entrusted me with your life”.

I smiled, “Thank you sir”.

“But in your condition, you can’t work anywhere you would like”, he closed his eyes and paused for a little while. “Dominique, you shall work here as one of my servants, while Lilly will be studying here. You two will share a room in my mansion, that way your sister won’t have to dorm. Are you two okay with that?”

“YES!” we shouted out of joy. “Thank you so much, sir!”

“Good. I’m glad we’re all happy. Dominique, you will start tomorrow and Lilly will go with Kankuro to get herself enrolled in summer school and the following year of school as well”, he added.

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