Chapter 5

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As promised, Chapter 5! Enjoy. Please comment, vote, review, etc. (it makes me happy to hear from you). Thanx

Chapter 5

Being traumatized by what just happened, I thought about who that girl was. She couldn’t have been my sister knowing that my sister was kind, silent, and innocent. Was I living with a devil in disguise? Has there not been a ‘Lilly’ this whole time? Who is this girl?

Even though my questions were absurd, I knew the Hokage needs to be saved. She has a village she needs to protect and if she’s dead, then chaos would spread and it would be all my fault. ‘I’m the only one here, I have to save her’, I told myself.

I looked over at the Hokage and Lilly unconscious on the floor. The Hokage still had the expression of sudden shock on her face, while Lilly laid on top of her. I was afraid to wake that blonde Lilly imposter in case she would jump and attack me. I sat there wondering what I should do… I was scared.

‘Fear… Fear is not something I should be afraid of right now’, I thought, ‘Lady Hokage needs to live’. I examined the glowing parenthesis again and wept at what I saw. Unconscious of my own actions I began talking to Lilly. Still unsure if she was my sister or not, I felt comfort in talking with her.

“Why did you have to do that?” I began, “Why couldn’t you just accept the offer and leave? You have a future ahead of you… If you go, you would start a new life. Everything would be different… the pain would go away” I felt my eyes water. I began to sob, “You think I want to live without you? Well, you’re wrong. I love you with all my heart and I wouldn’t want to let you go!”

“But why are you letting me go?” Lilly woke and look intently at me with her ocean blue eyes. She spoke to me, questioning me with tenderness. Slowly she rose off the Hokage and stood in front of me. I felt confused at first, wondering what was going on, but then my courage… or fear, overtook me and I began questioning her, leaving her questions unanswered.

“Who are you?” I stood to my feet, “and what have you done with my sister?”

“What are you talking about? Did you hit your head! I am your sister!”

“Don’t lie!” I snapped, “My sister would never attack the Hokage!”

Her gaze slowly lowered till it reached that of the unconscious blonde woman lying on the ground. I watched her carefully as she gasped at what she saw.

“Oh My God! Is she alive?” she panicked.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me why you attacked her”, I eyed her suspiciously. She looked up at me horrified, searching for answers in my dark brown eyes. Her look was pathetic and confused. She got unfocused as she seemed to run memories through her mind. Finally, she placed her hands over her mouth, lowered herself in a corner of the room, and began to weep.

This officially got ridiculous. Whoever this imposter was, they must have known Lilly quite well… or was it real Lilly?

I knew that my sister couldn’t handle stress and I also knew that she prefers to weep in a corner of any room to protect herself from other people’s view, but could I have been so blinded to think that she was someone else? I guess we’ll see, I thought.

“Fine, if you don’t want to tell me then I hope you would like to tell the security around here”. I slowly walked toward the door reaching for the doorknob. I watched her and noticed that she was inspecting me, considering exactly what I was planning to do. She raised her knees up to her chest and hugged them violently to help her try and compose herself. Her fixed stare ran right through my core driving me weak. No matter how you put it, she looked just like my sister and if I got her arrested then I would never forgive myself. I tried to play off the ‘tough guy’ act hoping to get some answers.

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