Chapter 24

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hey guys im really sorry because i know i said id start updating more regularily but ive been caught up in family activies & other stuff i could care less about but i have a lot more free time now that the fourth is over so ill have more time to update. i hope you're all enjoying & thank you so much for the 1000+ reads. ((':


I woke up blatantly to Louis screaming in my ear to wake up because we were back at the hotel. Not being able to help it, I accidentally side-swiped his face with the back of my hand, mistaking him for my alarm clock.

"I'M SORRY LOU!" I yelped, cupping his face.

"Will you kiss it?" He asked batting his eyes jokingly. I rolled my eyes and went in to kiss his cheek.

"All better?" I chuckled. He just nodded and hopped off.

"Hey babe, wake up." I shook Niall. When he didn't wake up, I said, "Hey Nandos, yeah can I get two of your per-"

"NANDOS?! WHO'S ORDERING NANDOS WITHOUT NIALL!?" he screamed jumping down and got in a fighting position.

"You're such a dork," I said messing up his hair and exiting the bus.

"What. So we're not ordering nandos?" he pouted, jutting out his bottom lip.

"Sorry bud, there's always room service."

"Whatever." he crossed his arms and stood there looking at his feet.

"Ugh. We can see if they'll deliver." I asked holding his chin up. He squealed like the little boy he was and ran towards the hotel.

"Oh sure! Now you're happy." I yelled running after him.


I opened the hotel door, almost being knocked over by Niall running for the phone. I went to our room and removed my black lace tank top and jean shorts to change.

"Shit," I muttered to myself realizing all of my clothes were all either dirty or had been worn already.

"You know we're not going anywhere for the rest of the day so it doesn't really matter what you put on. And if you don't want to wear things over again, maybe you just shouldn't wear anything." Harry said staring at my boobs. I tried to cover myself up but realized it was no use.

"Where did you come from?! AND MY FACE IS UP HERE." I yelled, throwing my shorts at him, trying to rid of his piercing gaze.

"Niall let me in." he said biting into an apple, continuing to examine my half-naked body.

"Thanks for the offer, but you won't be getting lucky that easily."

"Well what is it that I have to do. I'll do it." he took off his shirt and chucked his light grey Rolling Stones tee at me.

"And why do I want this?" I asked slipping it on over my head to avoid anymore awkward observations.

"You need clothes, there's my shirt. You can have my boxers too if you want."

"I'm good thanks."

*Harry's POV*

No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't stop thinking about kissing Sonia earlier. I was going to avoid talking to her for the rest of the day, but when I got back to my room and tried to dismiss the thought, I just couldn't.

How she stood there staring at me with her light brown eyes didn't help either. The way my shirt fell just barely over the middle of her thighs; how it fit her frail body just right. The way her long black hair fell messily down her back from sleeping. I don't know how much longer I could take it. No matter how many times I told myself I didn't like her like that, I knew I did. And after the kiss, I would never look at her the same. She wasn't one of those average girls I would meet at the club, have a one night stand with, then ditch. She was... incomparable; and I hated her for it.

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