Chapter 1: Ashes of a Perfect Life

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I awaken to the sound of horrid screams, with the nighttime sky still streaming through my window.

"What's going on?"

I look down from my window to see wolves fighting. Some of them I recognize as members of my own pack but the others are from another pack known as the Dark Moon pack.

I spring out of my bed and open my door to see more wolves fighting, their snarls echoing through the halls. Then I smelt the smoke. They are burning down my home. I shift into my wolf form and make a run for it.

As I round the corner, heading for the stairs, a big red wolf jumps out at me. He seizes my throat in his jaws, pinning me with my back to the floor. A yelp of pain escapes from my mouth as his teeth clamp down harder. I use my claws, desperately digging at his face till they find his sensitive eyes. He removes his jaws from me for a moment, snarling and pawing at his wounded eye.

Before I can get away his jaws clamp down on the scruff of my neck with a vicious growl and with a strong flick of his head I'm sent flying into an adjacent wall and everything fades to black. The last thing I remember before the darkness took over was a victory howl ringing through the night.

When I come to I'm surrounded by the hellish sight of vermillion flames and plumes of smoke raging and swirling around me. I'm having trouble breathing and I am coughing uncontrollably, the smoke stinging my lungs. I know I have to get out of here but all around me was fire, blocking every route except.......the window. But I'm on the third floor. I quickly weigh my options before making my decision. I run towards the window and it shatters on impact, sending me falling. I feel the air escape my lungs at my earthy impact on the cold, hard ground. I quickly rise to my feet and take off, stopping only for one last glance of my once proud home. Now, a fiery Inferno littered with the bodies of my pack. I let out a growl of pure rage. The Dark Moon pack will pay. I run as fast as my wolf will go, weaving in and out of trees, my paws kicking up dirt.


Three days have passed since my pack was destroyed and I have been wandering aimlessly, unsure of where I should go. My stomach growls wildly and is getting worse with each day. I try to smell for any prey nearby but I can't smell anything, no prey, no wolves, not even the smell of the pine trees around me. I approach a small pond for a drink of water, anything to try and satisfy my stomach.

I lapped up the water, enjoying the feeling of a full stomach, even though I know it was a false feeling, as well as enjoying the reflection of the moon bouncing on the water's surface. As I begin to start walking again I hear a couple of growls closing in on me. I turn to see two wolves. They don't look like Dark Moon wolves but they still don't seem like the friendly kind. I bare my teeth trying to be intimidating. When they get too close I run. I can hear them gaining on me when I feel a strong force knock me to the ground. A dark brown wolf stares down at me before shifting into a human with shaggy brown hair and green eyes. I'm ready to attack till the two other wolves come to his side. Three against one are not odds I would like to mess with.

"Shift!" His voice is hostile. I bare my teeth once again. "Don't make me ask twice." His voice is a low snarl. I relent, shifting into a human, covering my now naked body with my hands. One of the wolves give him a pair of shorts which he quickly pulls on. He grabs my upper arm forcibly, hard enough to leave a bruise, and begins dragging me as the other two wolves follow closely behind, snarling. I try to pull loose from him but it's no use.

He drags me to a set of stairs next to a house, that lead to a concrete basement lined with cells. A pack dungeon? Another man opens the cell door as the man with the vice like grip shoves me in. The man who opened the door then tosses a long white t-shirt at me.

"You'll at least have a little dignity." He mutters as I slip on the shirt. My eyes dart around the dingy cell before settling on the two men once again. I give my best hostile growl and the brown haired guy laughs.

"You wouldn't be this feisty if you knew where you were." He grins.

"And where is that?" I grit my teeth.

"You were trespassing on Blood Moon territory, does that ring a bell?" I shutter and my blood runs cold when I hear that and he seems pleased by my sudden fear. "As soon as he is free the alpha will be down to dispose of you as he wishes."

The alpha of Blood Moon pack is Jason Sinclair, a ruthless man who won't hesitate to kill. He is only 23 but because of his bloodthirsty nature he has earned the moniker 'Blood Alpha'. My pack would tell my stories of his atrocities. And now I'm about to become one of his statistics. I feel my eyes begin to flood with tears at the thought of dying after surviving thus far. Within minutes I hear the cellar doors open and my heart drops. I could feel the atmosphere grow tense and I close my eyes tightly and turned my head away, too scared to move.

"Is this her?" A deep, menacing voice asks. I'm shaking uncontrollably now. "Look at me." The voice demands but I don't, keeping myself backed into the far corner of the cell with my eyes clenched shut. "Look at me!" He now shouts.

I timidly open my eyes and turn my head to the direction of the voice to see a man with well kempt black hair and dark brown eyes, devoid of emotion. When our eyes meet I can feel a strange force take over my heart and start stirring up my wolf.

"Mate." He growls, his voice full of disdain. Mate?! Him?! I begin to feel sick, what kind of cruel trick of fate is this? Why would the Moon Goddess pair me up with him?

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