No Shits and Giggles

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-Some long as time ago- Hi guys, I know what I said last time. And I'm happy to announce that this story won't be put to a stop (even if there are some very annoying people around -_-). I've put so much hard work into this and I may have some ideas for the future, but I ain't saying anything. I was also very busy with my exams, I had 12 of them! I'm happy that they're over now. While I may have ideas for the future I don't have ideas for the present, please feel free to drop an idea either in the comments or on private, it would be a real help and maybe I'll get a boost from an idea, who knows? I hope you all enjoy this and thanks for the support I've gotten!

-21/07/2018- I don't have ideas for the future, only maybe the chunin exams but I suck at action scenes. It's vacation for me and yet I can't write shit. I apologize for all the whining and shit like that, you don't have to bear with me if you don't want to. This was the only stuff I've written so far, my co-writer isn't responding to any of my messages and I'm not very independent with this story. In short, I need a co-writer until I get a message back from Saraka. Thanks for your attention and enjoy this piece of crap. 



"Inside conversation"

"Kurama speaking"


Naruto's POV.

I do not know how we got into this situation! Being surrounded by some rogues was not in the schedule.

I shot a glance at my genin, we were standing in a circle, backs against each other. Each of us had a kunai in hand, ready to attack.

But the expressions I saw on their face were all different, Saraka looked serious and so did Motoki but I didn't miss that drop of sweat gliding down his forehead.

Mayumi was nervous, her hands shook lightly and she was trying to keep her face from showing any fear.

I looked at the guys before me, they we're as good equipped as us. Maybe even a bit better.

While I was sure I could take of these guys on my own, I had a job of looking after my students and I couldn't risk any of them getting hurt.

This was one sticky situation, I don't even remember how we got into this.

-Several hours earlier-

Normal POV.

Naruto stretched his arms as he looked around the room, to his surprise none of his genins were around. He quickly stood up and frantically looked around the room. 'Where are they?!' he thought to himself.

"We're here." He heard a voice say from the doorway, he saw the three genin standing there. Each had all their stuff packed and they seemed ready to go. The person who had been talking was Saraka.

"We were about to leave without" Motoki commented as pushed his glasses further upon his nose, giving the glasses a glint.  

Naruto gaped at the three, while Saraka and Motoki seemed uncaring, Mayumi had a guilty look on her face. "You were gonna leave your sensei behind?!" He asked them in a loud voice.

"No." Mayumi said fastly as she looked at the blond male. She looked at her teammates and they said nothing but she knew what they would say.

The oldest male nodded his head as if she'd given the right answer and he began getting all his stuff to go. Once he ready he took all the genin outside and looked around the village they were in.

"Let's grab some breakfast and then continue with our mission." Naruto told them before he began walking to find some food stalls.

The three genin followed after him and they looked at the different food stalls until each of them found something good and with that they began their journey again.

The shortest route to the hidden sand village was through the Land of Sound and the further into the Land of Fire where they would have to travel a far way until they reached the Land of Rivers and then they'd be in the Land of Wind.

It was still a long journey and while he wanted to avoid Konohagakure he did want to visit that village after they escorted the person. See the people back that did accept him.

Then he could brag about his amazing genin team, he also wondered when the chunin exams came so his apprentices go up in rank. Then it occurred to him, the chunin exams were close by.

Did A send them on purpose so his genin could take the exam? He hadn't gotten the instruction but maybe they should try and take them while they were there. 

 Now it also became obvious to him who they would be escorting, it was Gaara. He was happy that he would see his fellow jinchūriki back again, the red head was one of his best friends after all, but it also worried him. Why hadn't A told him of this plan?

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