New Shinobi (part 2)

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Soooo here's another update i hope you like it ^-^ also because JTheFirelord wanted Naruto x Yugito, i'm going to start their friendship in this chapter, i can already say there's gonna be following update's with fluff but i can't say wich one's. I hope you enjoy !




Naruto's POV.

Ive been searching for ages, this village is a maze. Not to mention that its becoming late, very late. I walked further down the street until i bumped into someone, it was Yugito.

Normal POV.

"Oh, hey Naruto." Yugito calmly said.

"Hey Yugito!" Naruto said with enthousiasm and a big smile on his face.

Yugito looked at Naruto, she was a little bit confused.

"Why are you out here so late?" She asked him.

"Well ummm i can't find my appartment." He replied hesitantly while looking down.

Yugito had a puzzled look like she was thinking, then it looked like she had an idea.

"I can help you." Yugito said to him.

"Really?!!" Naruto said, more shouting than asking.

"Of course." She once again replied calmy.

Naruto gave her the paper with the adress and they started walking down the street with Yugito leading. Left, right, the second corner left, they turned corners and walked through many streets.

'Yep this village is definitly a maze.' Naruto thought to himself.

Then finally Yugito stopped walking and made Naruto almost bump into her again.

"Well here it is." Yugito said while looking at Naruto.

He looked before him to see a nice and neat appartment complex, it was better than the one he had before that was for sure. Both of them seperated ways and Naruto went inside.

Naruto's POV.

I put the key in the keyhole and slowly opend the door, i searched for a light switch and found one. I clicked it upwards and the lights sprung on, the appartment was amazing.

The hallway was neat with a place to hang jackets and coats, i could already see some space to hang pictures and those spaces would be filled soon. At the end of the hall there where two doorways.

One leading to the kitchen and the other to the living room, i decided to check out the kitchen first. There was an white refrigirator, a cooking island, a oven and to not the forget the microwaive to warm up the delicious ramen.

There was also a table with two chairs, then i went to the living room. When i entered i got a 'cosy' feeling and it felt comfortable. There was a black sofa with a little table before it, right next to the doorway there was an bookcase.

'Not sure if i'll ever look at it tho.' Further in the living room there where two doors i decided to check the left one out first ... its the bathroom, not interesting.

I went to the one on the right and it was the bedroom, it had a queen sized bed and a big wardrobe. Never have i seen anything so luxurious in my entire life, well not in my house anyway.

Looking at the bed made me want to jump on it ... so i did. It was sooo soft like the clouds of heaven. I landed on my back and stayed there looking at the ceiling, i was thinking.

'How is everyone doing ? Do they miss me ? Is the village happier ? What about baa-chan ? ... Ive gotta stop thinking about them! Kumo is my village now not Konoha, keep that in mind!' Was i at war with myself ? Or just overthingking ? I'm really clueless aren't i ?

I sweatdropped at my own thoughts, man whats going on with me? Well thats a problem for another time.

I got myself ready for bed, i'm really tired even if i got a nap on the training grounds. It didn't help much. First i did my pyjama's on and then i brushed my teeth, i did all the lights off in my new appartment and laid myself on my new godly bed.

I closed my eyes and readied myself for the next day.

Yay i'm so happy that the finals are over, i have two months of vacation \(^0^)/. I guess you can expect more update's now and i hope you're happy with this one. See ya (^0^)/

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