Dating Advice from a Fox

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Yay double update, hope you're happy with this. My vacation has ended sadly and I have to start school again but with less than two months to go until the big summer vacation, can't wait until then!!



"Kurama speaking"


Naruto's POV.

After running away from the stares of the villagers yesterday I've begun to form my plan for a date.

Of course it wasn't gonna be easy, I didn't even know how to ask her.

I have no experience with these kind of things and it makes me nervous, I'm a shinobi and I should know how to handle this.

I can't screw this up too, that would end in a disaster and possibly a lost friendship.

I slammed my head on the tree nearby, of course I was on the training grounds again.

"Kit how did you end up in this mess?" Kurama asked all of a sudden.

'It isn't a mess, I just never did this before.' I point out to him, shouldn't he know this since he's been with me from the start?

"Do you need some advice?" The fox asked me.

My face became blank at his request, how the hell would a fox help me with my date?

"Kit, I know enough about this stuff to help you." He said to me.

I let out a sigh and proceeded to answer 'Go ahead.'

Before I knew it I was pulled into the sewers of my inner world.

_________Naruto's mindscape__________

Normal POV.

Naruto looked at Kurama with a blank face, he couldn't believe that Kurama would tell him dating advice.

Kurama looked quite satisfied with himself, he never knew that there would be a day that he could give his dating advice to someone.

"So are you gonna tell me?" Naruto asked the nine tails while raising an eyebrow.

"Sit down because I'm gonna give you some good dating advice." Kurama said a smirk prominent on his face.

Naruto sat down with an big sigh and looked at Kurama with a bored face.

Kurama let his smile slide of his face and looked at Naruto.

"Kit, do you want the advice or not?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just tell me already!" Naruto yelled back.

"Okay then, first thing. Bring a gift to the date." The nine tails said holding up one of his claws.

"Like what? Flowers?" The blond asked.

"Flowers are a good suggestion. But don't bring to much of those, you still need to get them back to Kumo." Kurama stated.

Naruto nodded his head and wrote down the advice on a notepad he'd gotten out of nowhere.

After having written down the first thing he looked back up, ready for the next one.

"Ok next up, give compliments. Females like that, it makes them happy to know that you payed attention to whatever you complimented." Kurama said holding up his second claw.

"What would you compliment." Naruto asked almost like an eager student.

"Their clothing-" Before he could finish Naruto interrupted.

"She's probably going to wear her ninja clothing." Naruto said.

"Kit let me finish." Kurama said with a glare. 

Naruto shut his mouth and quickly wrote up the second piece of advice.

"Just compliment her on her clothes." Kurama said with a glare to shut up Naruto before be continued. "Or her eyes or just something about her that you like." He finished.

Naruto quickly writed down Kurama's last words and once again looked up.

"Good now an important thing is eye contact." The fox continued.

"Eye contact?" Naruto asked curiously, how the hell would eye contact help his date?

"Yes eye contact. By looking into her eyes you invite her for interaction, a talk. She's gonna feel more comfortable and your bond may strengthen." Kurama spoke only now holding up his claw.

Naruto quickly scribbeld everything down while questionably raising an eyebrow at the advice he'd gotten.

"Is that everything." Naruto asked, eyebrow still raised.

"That's everything." Kurama stated as he nodded his head once.

"Okay then. Thanks for the advice ... I guess." Naruto whispered the last part.

"Did ya say something Kit?" Kurama asked, his eyed narrowed at Naruto as his gaze intesified.

The blonde quickly shook his head.

"Thought so." Kurama responded.

Naruto sighed quietly and looked up at Kurama with an appreciative smile.

"Thanks for the advice Kurama." He responded happily.

"It's nothing Kit." Kurama responded before laying his head down on his paws.

Before Naruto realized that the sewers began to blur.


Normal POV.

Naruto was back in the training grounds and looked around.

His sight was still blurry, he closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again.

The blond just sighed and thought of the advice he'd gotten from Kurama. It was ridiculous but he'd think about it anyway.

At least Kurama was happy to have given him that advice or Naruto would've been even more clueless, it wasn't that he didn't know the do's and the don'ts of dating. He wasn't tactless.

You could say that Naruto knew the basics of dating, mostly because of B talking about those things once in a while.

Narutito stood up and stretched his limbs, he heard a few satisfying pops and then went into the village, it's time to plan a date.

That was it for the first update, you can consider this a funny filler although this is something that you need to read otherwise I wouldn't have written this in the first place. Also I have zero experience whatsoever about dating so the advice is really bad as far as I think, I don't know a thing about dating. See ya next chapter (^0^)/! 

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